4.3. RSM simulation
On a large-scale, our results indicate current is likely a major determining factor in the distribution of lionfish larvae, however settling and survivorship of larvae is limited by temperature and depth requirements.
The best fit simulation has a few limitations which may affect the pattern of distribution. Because of the large study area and lack of model granularity, high current flow areas with narrow geographic spread may be underrepresented in their influence on the distribution pattern. Two areas where this likely occurred are the Gulf Stream off Florida and the Loop Current in the Florida straits. As a result, the Florida Keys and the Bahamas were likely more rapidly colonized in the RSM than indicated by the actual capture records. This discrepancy is due to underrepresentation of high current flow in the RSM; however it is encouraging that the results of our physical model are in accordance with a recent genetic study by Betancur-R et al. (2011).
Of the 1147 records examined, only 1 was indicated from the Gulf of Mexico – north of Tampa Bay in October of 2009. According to our RSM, up-stream populations which are established throughout the Caribbean will likely seed the Gulf-region based on ocean current patterns. Temperature, salinity, and depths along coastal regions in the Gulf fall within lionfish tolerances as defined by this study and supported by literature (Kimball et al., 2004 and Schofield, 2010). As a habitat generalist able to feed on multiple trophic levels with few predators or
4.3. RSM simulation
On a large-scale, our results indicate current is likely a major determining factor in the distribution of lionfish larvae, however settling and survivorship of larvae is limited by temperature and depth requirements.
The best fit simulation has a few limitations which may affect the pattern of distribution. Because of the large study area and lack of model granularity, high current flow areas with narrow geographic spread may be underrepresented in their influence on the distribution pattern. Two areas where this likely occurred are the Gulf Stream off Florida and the Loop Current in the Florida straits. As a result, the Florida Keys and the Bahamas were likely more rapidly colonized in the RSM than indicated by the actual capture records. This discrepancy is due to underrepresentation of high current flow in the RSM; however it is encouraging that the results of our physical model are in accordance with a recent genetic study by Betancur-R et al. (2011).
Of the 1147 records examined, only 1 was indicated from the Gulf of Mexico – north of Tampa Bay in October of 2009. According to our RSM, up-stream populations which are established throughout the Caribbean will likely seed the Gulf-region based on ocean current patterns. Temperature, salinity, and depths along coastal regions in the Gulf fall within lionfish tolerances as defined by this study and supported by literature (Kimball et al., 2004 and Schofield, 2010). As a habitat generalist able to feed on multiple trophic levels with few predators or
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