The House of Chanel is globally established company that has been around for over a century, resulting in an extensive range of target markets. Chanel products are an assortment of clothing, accessories, perfumes, and cosmetics that attract people from around the around the world of all ages. Chanel isn't the most affordable brand when it comes to retail, consequently the preferable audience is for people of higher income and celebrities.
The ready to wear clothing depending on the collection, mostly targets men and woman of today's generation (generation x). Some not all collections are targeted towards the younger generation because Chanel is a ageless brand which, a woman of any generation would appreciate wearing. The accessories, and handbags are also the alike depending on the style of the product can be wearable for any generation. As for cosmetics and skin care depending on the product, may be used for woman ages 16 and above. The skin care line offers many different products for the type of skin a woman may have. For example the ultra correction line repair cream is a product developed for anti-wrinkle maybe be used for woman in their mid 30's and older. For younger woman, the mousse exfoliante pureté is a rinse-off exfoliating cleansing foam purity cleanser may seem more appealing to use.