I read the English part of the contract, and I have a few questions.
1. On page 1 (English) contract No. Sky 0385 and Sky 0384 it is stated that there is a mortgage on the Condominium’s when will this mortgage end?
2. I cannot find anything about the hole you will make between the two Condominium and the sliding doors that will be put in.
3. In Sky 3413 there is no mention that we will put the wall between bedroom and sitting area 25cm more towards the bedroom.
4. When I visited the make-up condominium there were more LED TV, I would think that there is one in master bedroom and one in sitting room.
I will arrive in Bangkok on September 11th and I would like to ask you not to start with the hole in the wall before I arrive.
I will send you the signed contracts soon just need these questions to be clarified.