Melanie Weaver, a teacher in Reading, Pennsylvania, was stunned by some of the term papers she received fŕom a high-shcool class.
They would be trying to make a point in a paper they would put a smily face in the end, Weaver said. If they were presenting an argument and they need to present an opposite view, they would put a frown.
As Trisha Fogarty, a teacher in Houlton, Maine, puts it today's students are Generation Text.
Almost 60 percent of the online population under age 17 uses instant messaging,accrding to Nielsen Netratings. In addition to cell phone text messaging Weblogs and mail it has become a popular means of flirting setting up dates asking for help with homework and keeping in contact with distant friends.
Melanie Weaver, a teacher in Reading, Pennsylvania, was stunned by some of the term papers she received fŕom a high-shcool class.They would be trying to make a point in a paper they would put a smily face in the end, Weaver said. If they were presenting an argument and they need to present an opposite view, they would put a frown.As Trisha Fogarty, a teacher in Houlton, Maine, puts it today's students are Generation Text.Almost 60 percent of the online population under age 17 uses instant messaging,accrding to Nielsen Netratings. In addition to cell phone text messaging Weblogs and mail it has become a popular means of flirting setting up dates asking for help with homework and keeping in contact with distant friends.
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