Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were hiding in a bush when they heard shots go off in the distance.
"Ah hope they didn't get Scootaloo..." Apple Bloom said as she peered out into the orchard.
"I don't think so, she's too fast on her scooter and those two can't hit your barn if they wanted to."
They both laughed.
"But Spike sure can shoot, Ah sometimes feel bad for 'em, him bein' paired up with those two when hes better 'an us."
They heard the familiar flapping of wings and they saw Scootaloo coming in a high speed. She screeched to a stop in front of them. "I found them! They are in the eastern orchard, hop on."
The three fillies all piled on the scooter and Scootaloo propelled them forward.
"Ah got a plan." Apple Bloom said as they quickly rode their way to the eastern apple orchard.