While the reorientation of global production and trade continues, with developing
countries contributing larger shares to world economic output and trade, the
performance of the global economy and merchandise trade in 2012 is a reminder of the
high level of global economic integration and interdependence. In 2012, growth in world
gross domestic product (GDP) decelerated to 2.2 per cent from 2.8 per cent recorded
in the previous year. In tandem, and reflecting a simultaneous drop in import demand
of both developed and developing economies, the growth of global merchandise trade
volumes also decelerated to 1.8 per cent year-on-year. The knock-on effects of the
problems in the European Union on developing economies are tangible, while the
slowdown in larger developing economies, notably China and India, is resonating in
other developing regions and low-income countries. Meanwhile, and driven in particular
by a rise in China’s domestic demand as well as increased intra-Asian and South–South
trade, international seaborne trade performed relatively well, with volumes increasing
by 4.3 per cent during the year. The performance of international seaborne trade
remains, nevertheless, vulnerable to downside risks and uncertainty affecting the world
economy and trade. It is also unfolding against a background of an evolving maritime
transport operating landscape that entails some potentially game-changing trends and