The software comprises of 6 major functions: Open, Run,
Save, Import, Rearrange, and Analysis. The Open function is
used for selecting the working folder and identifying the key
answer file. The answer sheet files are image files saved in “.jpg”
format. Those files can be created with the scanner, camera or
other devices that can change the paper answer sheets to the
image files. The Run function is used to execute the process
of recognizing image files and compare each image file in the
working folder with the key image file in order to score those
files one by one. The Save function translates the data in text
area produced by the ‘Run function’ to text file. The end user
can read this text file with any text editor software (e.g. notepad,
wordpad, Microsoft Word etc) or convert to a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet to facilitate any analysis of the data if they so
wish. The Import function helps user to load the text file created
by the ‘Save function’ into area text for changing, correcting or
analyzing. The two important sub functions in the Rearrange
function are sorting and re-scoring. The first one is used in
arranging the result in the area text by score or ID number. The
re-scoring is used when changes to the answers have been
done and a re-scoring of the answers is needed. The last function,
which is the Analysis function, allows the user to conduct an
Item analysis.