Fig. 5. Size distribution of culturable outdoor total bacteria (TB), gram negative bacteria (Gram −ve) and fungi at Rural Site II.
The size distribution of culturable indoor bacterial, gram negative bacteria and fungi at the urban site was dominated by stages 3 (3.3–4.7 μm), 1 (7 μm & above) and 4 (2.1–3.3 μm), respectively (Fig. 6). Outdoors, the maximum number of CFUs were present in the size range 2.1–3.3 μm (stage 4) for both gram negative bacteria and fungi and 7 μm and above (Stage 1) for total bacteria (Fig. 7). The size distribution of fungi indoors and outdoors is comparable, suggesting no indoor sources for fungi at the urban site. However, there may be indoor sources for bacteria due to the resultant differences in the indoor and outdoor size distributions.