The biggest names who used the pointillist technique were in part Post Impressionist artsts. Post-Impressionism emerged in the mid-1880s, and by many is regarded as the first true avant-garde movement in painting. One of the main aims of the movement was to incorporate the latest explanation of optic and color perceptions. By using dots or larger cube-like brushstrokes, Post-Impressionists actually practiced the latest discoveries of theory of colors and perception. However, Pointillist approach isn’t exclusively related to Post-Impressionism. It also had a big impact on other styles as well, including Cubism, and even Pop Art.
Finally, today there are many of contemporary artists who still use this extraordinary technique in their art. Observing the current trends in digital creativity, one can certainly pose a question: Is there not a connection between Pointillism and pixels in computer art? Isn’t the pixel art a sort of dotted art as well? The logic is the same, however, the style and context are completely different.