The first level of stratification involves dividing the country
into administrative divisions. Some countries have
regions, states, provinces and counties, and it may not
be clear which level of administrative division to choose.
Your choice should balance the need to include a sizeable
proportion of the country in the final sample with your
resource limitations. For example, if you divide a country
into 500 counties and then select 10, it is likely that
important areas will be missed. On the other hand, if a
large country is divided into four regions, fieldworkers
within these regions will have to cover large distances to
The first level of stratification involves dividing the countryinto administrative divisions. Some countries haveregions, states, provinces and counties, and it may notbe clear which level of administrative division to choose.Your choice should balance the need to include a sizeableproportion of the country in the final sample with yourresource limitations. For example, if you divide a countryinto 500 counties and then select 10, it is likely thatimportant areas will be missed. On the other hand, if alarge country is divided into four regions, fieldworkerswithin these regions will have to cover large distances to
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