and i never was west of the delaware river until i went to graduate school at the age of twenty trulia revolution is occurring on material standard of living and a revolution that is occurring almost entirely through the private economic market governments contribution was essential but not costal its contribution which it not making nearly as well as it did in the earlier time was to protect private property rights to provide a mechanism for adjudicating disputes beyond that you have to recognize that there were some spin off from work term recert wartime research but i would initially was able top but certainly the all arming baca what i've described as a revolution for several hours cayman traveling through the private market now in sharp contrast look at what the output the results of the greatly expand expanded role of government that has produced whereas the private market produced a higher standard of living the expanded government market produce many problems again the contrast is sharp if i may make it that way on our own personal experience both rose and i came from families with very low incomes incomes and by today's standards would be well below the poverty so-called poverty line