SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Evacuate all personnel from area. If possible without risk, shut off source of gas, then fight fire according to types of materials burning. Extinguish fire only if gas flow can be stopped. This will avoid possible accumulation and reignition of a flammable gas mixture. Keep adjacent cylinders cool by spraying with large amounts of water until the fire burns itself out. For small releases, if it is not possible to stop the leak, and it does not endanger personnel, let the fire burn itself out. Incipient fire responders should wear eye protection. Structural fire fighters must wear Self-Contained Breathing
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Apparatus and full protective equipment, including fire resistant clothing. Large fires should be fought from a distance with an unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles. If this product is involved in a fire, fire run-off water should be contained to prevent possible environmental damage. If necessary, decontaminate fire-response equipment with soap and water solution.