Communication System.
The Site Survey identified a number of points that are outside the current scope of work these are:
- 13 legacy Voice Terminals are to be replaced as part of the contracted scope of work. As a result of CONOPs discussions/understanding with the RTN on board the recommendation is to install an additional 10 Receptacle Units.
- Recommendation to include the replacement of the legacy 28VDC Power Supply for the retained IFF System in the scope of the Communication Rack upgrade.
- Recommended to include 2 new power amplifiers t support the legacy retained Horn Loudspeakers.
- Clarification required on the integration of the GFE Crypto, contracted scope of work includes integration however during the survey it was indicated it was to remain stand alone.
RTN reflected they would be providing as GFE a Public Address system, details of this would be provided on request by TUK.
Following discussion TUK agreed to produce and submit a system proposal reflecting the additional items and recommendation of the Survey. Following agreement of the system proposal, TUK and the RTN will consider and agree how any changes to scope may be agreed.
ACTION: TUK to request details of PA system from RTN. ACTION: TUK to produce and provide a revised system proposal for the communications system reflecting RTN additional requirements, RTN proposed PA System and recommendations of the Survey Report