This programme is grounded on the best available scientific and epidemiological
evidence about MNS conditions that have been identified as priorities. It attempts
to deliver an integrated package of interventions, and takes into account existing
and possible barriers for scaling up care. Priority conditions were identified on the
basis that they represented a high burden (in terms of mortality, morbidity, and
disability); caused large economic costs; or were associated with violations of
human rights. These priority conditions are depression, schizophrenia and other
psychotic disorders, suicide, epilepsy, dementia, disorders due to use of alcohol,
disorders due to use of illicit drugs, and mental disorders in children. The mhGAP
package consists of interventions for prevention and management for each of
these priority conditions, on the basis of evidence about the effectiveness and
feasibility of scaling up these interventions. mhGAP provides a template for an
intervention package that will need to be adapted for countries, or regions within
countries, on the basis of local context.