Once a patient with CI was identified on either unit, the project team placed a color-coded folder at the bedside and reviewed the tools with the staff nurse caring for the patient the color-coded folders identified that the child was included in the project. The folder contained the PPP and the rFLACC tool. data collection forms for the staff nurse to use during pain assessment, and questionnaires for the parents and staff nurses to complete (figures I aim 2). The role of the bedside nurse was to discuss the project goal with the parent (s)caregiver and review both pain assessment tools, for the rFLACC tool, the parent(s)/caregiver was asked to assist the nurse individualizing the pain descriptors based On their child’s behavior. upon reviewing the tools, the parent(s) /caregiver was asked to complete a questionnaire once during the hospital admission (Figure 1). The role of the bedside nurse continued as each patient was scored for pain every 4 hourss and reassessed as needed according to the hospital policy Using both the PPP and the rFLACC instruments. The order of the tool was alternated at each assessment and continued throughout the data collection period. At the end of each shift, the nurse completed the RN questionnaire (Figure 2)