Corporate governance has become an important issue for Chinese and Indian firms as they increasingly interact with regulators and investors from developed markets. For instance, tapping into global capital markets to raise funds to finance their domestic and international growth requires firms from China and India to demonstrate strong corporate governance credentials, so that investors do not discount their stock (LaPorta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, & Vishny, 2000). The swift action of Chinese and Indian authorities in response to recent corporate scandals – such as the one at Satyam Computers – reveals that even governments in emerging countries such as China and India see the need to promote good corporate governance to ensure the inflow of capital and the outflow of products. Furthermore, understanding corporate governance standards and issues in China and India is also important to executives of foreign multinationals doing business in these two countries.
As concerns about corporate governance gains ascendancy in corporate board rooms and offices of policy makers, business scholars' interest in these issues have also grown significantly, as evidenced by the number of publications on the topic (e.g., Rajagopalan & Zhang, 2008). It is this growing importance of corporate governance to the next phase of development of the Chinese and Indian economies that inspired William Q. Judge, Editor-in-Chief, and us to put together a conference and special issue on the topic for this journal.
We were pleased when Corporate Governance: An International Review's publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, and Old Dominion University agreed to co-sponsor the conference. Little did we realize that sponsorship was only a small part of the challenges that were involved in organizing the conference. As we started putting together the conference there were many discussions, decisions, debates, and details that had to be resolved. First, we had to decide on the scope of issues to be presented at the conference. Next, given the fact that corporate governance is a multidisciplinary field, we had to ensure that the conference announcement reached all scholars who were involved in research on corporate governance in China and India – not just those in management or finance. Responding promptly to queries that started pouring in from all over the world became a daily routine. Of course, reviewing the nearly 200 submissions that made it through the conference submission deadline, and narrowing it down to the 90 that could be accommodated in the two day conference was not easy either. However, we knew that the topic and the timing were on target given this better than expected response to our call for papers.
Once the papers to be presented were accepted, tasks such as coordinating the program; obtaining visas for international scholars; working out conference venue details; arranging airport pickups; developing the keynote speaker's itinerary; obtaining the obligatory conference bag, receipts, and name tags; and selecting items on the lunch menu, became possible only because we were ably assisted by the Managing Editor Maureen Muller and students in the Ph.D. program in Finance, Marketing, and Strategic Management at Old Dominion University. We would especially like to thank the following students for their dedicated hard work without which the conference would not have been possible: Lee Brown, Jie Chen, Gulfem Kutlu, Sarah Mady, El Rustambekov, Denise Streeter, Joe Trendowski, Weichu Xu, Liu Wang, Judy Wu, and Maya Zhang. We would also like to thank our colleagues in the Management Department and the college, especially Professor David Selover from the Economics Department and Dean Nancy Bagranoff, for their support and suggestions.
On October 27, 2008, over 90 corporate governance scholars from 13 countries gathered in Virginia Beach to hear Anil Gupta start off the conference with a keynote talk on corporate governance in India. His talk was bookended by Minxin Pei's keynote talk on corporate governance in China on October 28. The two keynote talks indentified broad themes and identified the many challenges that lay ahead for corporate governance in China and India; the talks also set the tone for the discussions at the conference. Scholars spent the two days presenting papers and engaging in intense discussions and debates about the many facets of corporate governance in China and India. The presenters provided many insights on the issues based on their unique expertise, which covered a wide range of disciplines – accounting, consulting, economics, ethics, finance, law, and management.
This special issue is a product of the discussions and debates at the gathering. More than 50 excellent papers from the conference were subsequently submitted to the special issue and went through a double-blind review process. While we were very impressed by the breadth and depth of these papers and feel that many of them deserve publication, due to space limitations, the reviewers and editors struggled very hard to select seven from this large pool of very promising articles to be included in this special issue.
Lurking in the background of academic research on emerging countries and markets is one key question: whether existing theories – which were developed within the context of mature economies – were still relevant. Thus, an underlying theme that many papers are grappling with in this special issue is whether existing theories of corporate governance are applicable in explaining corporate governance in these two largest economies in Asia.
Scholars who disagree that Asia needs uniquely Asian corporate governance theories would argue that by definition, a theory should be generalizable to different observations across countries (e.g., Cheng, 1994). There may be variations in how a theory is implemented in different settings but a theory such as agency theory or institutional theory should be universal. Thus, it is possible for research from a wide variety of settings to build on prior research and extend the theories and our understanding of corporate governance. As such, a call for uniquely Asian theories may not be warranted.
In contrast, some scholars argue that the cultural distinctiveness of Asian and emerging economies call for entirely new theories that are built from the bottom up (e.g., Hofstede, 1993; Meyer, 2006). When China opened up its economy some Chinese scholars believed that China is different from the West, and thus needs to invent its own theories. Some even went so far to propose the establishment of a “Beijing Economics.” In responding to such a call, some economists tried to clarify whether there are Chinese economics or Beijing economics.
Qian (2002) laid out a framework to assess this issue. He argued that a well-established discipline should have three commonly recognized dimensions: perspective (i.e., fundamental assumptions); reference (or benchmark, which provides theoretical models); and analytical tools (i.e., statistical analysis, case studies). He concluded that there is no need to invent country-specific economics, but application of current theories could develop unique and country-specific insights. Yet there is no denying that transformations in emerging markets present unprecedented challenges to existing theories. For example, why do some economies based on the rule of law and private property rights, such as India, experience a slower pace of economic growth than some economies in which property rights are less secure, such as China?
Clearly, Chinese and Indian firms have some distinctive (and shared) governance traditions (and problems) due to their histories and the unique challenges they experience as they transition towards freer markets. For example, years of socialistic ideology (in India) and communistic ideology (in China) had led to closed markets and the dominance of the state in both economies (Huang & Khanna, 2003). However, there are striking differences in the political, economic, and cultural dimensions that would exert strong influence on the development (or lack thereof) of corporate governance in the two countries.
In terms of the governance environment, which is the set of political, economic, and social institutions that facilitate or constrain the choices of governance mechanisms, China is more relation-based as it lacks a comprehensive rule of law and has a strong guanxi culture, whereas India is relatively more rule-based due to its long tradition of English common law and a democratic political system (Li & Filer, 2007; Li & Nair, 2007). Another interesting difference is that the Chinese economic reforms resulted from Mao's ruinous economic policy and thus was internally driven. But the reform has heavily relied on external resources (e.g., foreign investment). In contrast, the Indian economic reform was triggered by external events (the Gulf War and the collapse of the Soviet Union that drastically reduced foreign currency inflow and trade), but it has primarily relied on internal resources (Li & Nair, 2007). Understanding these different origins may help us better understand how corporate governance practices are being shaped in the two largest emerging economies that account for over one-third of the world's population.
It is these corporate governance challenges in China and India, and the impact of reforms on governance that constituted much of the research that was presented at the symposium. Specifically, the conference revealed the following issues to be of central interest in the context of corporate governance in China and India.
The Governance Environment
To carefully delineate the unique approaches to corporate governance that has evolved in China and India, it is important to understand the environments that firms in these countries are embedded in, and how these environments are changing. The scope of discus
กำกับได้เป็น ประเด็นสำคัญสำหรับบริษัทของจีนและอินเดียเป็นพวกเขามากขึ้นโต้ตอบกับเร็คกูเลเตอร์และนักลงทุนจากประเทศพัฒนาแล้ว ตัวอย่าง แตะลงในตลาดสากลเพื่อเพิ่มเงินของพวกเขาเติบโตในต่าง ประเทศต้องบริษัทจากจีนและอินเดียแสดงให้เห็นถึงแรงกำกับประจำ เพื่อให้นักลงทุนลดหุ้นของตน (LaPorta โลเปซเดอไซเลน Shleifer และ Vishny, 2000) การดำเนินการที่รวดเร็วของจีน และอินเดียหน่วยงานในการตอบสนองล่าสุด scandals องค์กร – เช่นกันคอมพิวเตอร์ซัทยาม – เผยว่า แม้รัฐบาลในประเทศเกิดใหม่เช่นจีนและอินเดียเห็นจำเป็นต้องส่งเสริมกำกับดูแลการไหลเข้าของทุนและกระแสของผลิตภัณฑ์ นอกจากนี้ เข้าใจกำกับมาตรฐานและปัญหาในประเทศจีนและอินเดียก็ยังให้ผู้บริหารของบริษัทต่างประเทศที่ทำธุรกิจในประเทศเหล่านี้สองเป็นความกังวลเกี่ยวกับกิจการกำไร ascendancy ในห้องคณะกรรมการบริษัทและสำนักงานของผู้กำหนดนโยบาย ธุรกิจนักวิชาการผู้สนใจในปัญหาเหล่านี้ได้ยังเติบโตอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ เป็นเป็นหลักฐานตามจำนวนสิ่งพิมพ์ในหัวข้อ (เช่น Rajagopalan และเตียว 2008) สำคัญนี้เจริญเติบโตของกิจการระยะถัดไปของการพัฒนาของประเทศจีนและอินเดียที่บันดาลใจผู้พิพากษาถาม William บรรณาธิการบริหาร และเราใส่กันสัมมนาและปัญหาพิเศษในหัวข้อสำหรับสมุดรายวันนี้ ได้การประชุมเรามีความยินดีเมื่อกำกับ: อันอินเตอร์เนชั่นแนลทบทวนของผู้เผยแพร่ Wiley Blackwell และ มหาวิทยาลัยเองเก่าตกลงร่วมสนับสนุนการประชุม น้อยได้เราทราบว่า สนับสนุนเป็นเพียงส่วนเล็ก ๆ ของความท้าทายที่มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องในการจัดประชุม ขณะที่เราเริ่มวางร่วมกันการประชุมมีขึ้นสนทนาหลาย ตัดสินใจ ดำเนิน และรายละเอียดที่ได้ได้รับการแก้ไข ครั้งแรก เราได้ตัดสินใจในขอบเขตของปัญหาจะนำเสนอในการประชุม ถัดไป ให้ข้อเท็จจริงว่ากำกับเขต multidisciplinary เราได้เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่า การประชุมประกาศถึงนักวิชาการทั้งหมดที่เกี่ยวข้องในการวิจัยในการกำกับดูแลกิจการในประเทศจีนและอินเดีย – ไม่ใช่ผู้จัดการหรือเงิน ตอบแบบสอบถามที่เริ่มหลั่งไหลมาจากทั่วโลกทันทีกลายเป็น กิจวัตรประจำวัน แน่นอน ส่งเกือบ 200 ที่ทำให้มันผ่านเวลาส่งประชุมตรวจทาน และจำกัดให้แคบลงเพื่อ 90 ที่สามารถอาศัยในวันที่สองประชุมไม่ได้ง่ายอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง อย่างไรก็ตาม เรารู้ว่า หัวข้อและระยะเวลาได้เท่านี้ดีกว่าคาดตอบเราเรียกเอกสารเป้าหมายเมื่อได้รับเอกสารเพื่อนำเสนอ งานเช่นประสานงานโปรแกรม ได้รับวีซ่าสำหรับนักวิชาการนานาชาติ ทำงานรายละเอียดสถานประชุม รถปิคอัพสนามบินจัดเรียง พัฒนาเดินทางปราศรัยประเด็นสำคัญ ได้รับกระเป๋าประชุมจักรยาน รับ และ แท็กชื่อ และเลือกรายการในเมนูอาหารกลางวัน เป็นไปได้เนื่องจากเราสามารถได้ช่วยมูลเลอร์ Maureen บรรณาธิการและนักศึกษาในโปรแกรมปริญญาเอกในทางการเงิน การตลาด และการ จัดการเชิงกลยุทธ์มหาวิทยาลัยเก่าเอง เราโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งต้องขอขอบคุณนักเรียนต่อไปนี้ทำงานหนักทุ่มเท โดยที่ประชุมจะไม่สามารถ: Lee สีน้ำตาล เฉินจี้ Gulfem Kutlu ซาราห์ Mady เอล Rustambekov, Streeter เดนิส โจ Trendowski, Weichu Xu หลิววัง Judy วู และ เตียวมายา เรายังอยากจะขอบคุณเราเพื่อนร่วมงานในแผนกจัดการและวิทยาลัย โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งศาสตราจารย์ David Selover จากภาควิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์และคณบดี Nancy Bagranoff สำหรับการสนับสนุนและคำแนะนำOn October 27, 2008, over 90 corporate governance scholars from 13 countries gathered in Virginia Beach to hear Anil Gupta start off the conference with a keynote talk on corporate governance in India. His talk was bookended by Minxin Pei's keynote talk on corporate governance in China on October 28. The two keynote talks indentified broad themes and identified the many challenges that lay ahead for corporate governance in China and India; the talks also set the tone for the discussions at the conference. Scholars spent the two days presenting papers and engaging in intense discussions and debates about the many facets of corporate governance in China and India. The presenters provided many insights on the issues based on their unique expertise, which covered a wide range of disciplines – accounting, consulting, economics, ethics, finance, law, and management.This special issue is a product of the discussions and debates at the gathering. More than 50 excellent papers from the conference were subsequently submitted to the special issue and went through a double-blind review process. While we were very impressed by the breadth and depth of these papers and feel that many of them deserve publication, due to space limitations, the reviewers and editors struggled very hard to select seven from this large pool of very promising articles to be included in this special issue.RESEARCH IN CG IN CHINA AND INDIALurking in the background of academic research on emerging countries and markets is one key question: whether existing theories – which were developed within the context of mature economies – were still relevant. Thus, an underlying theme that many papers are grappling with in this special issue is whether existing theories of corporate governance are applicable in explaining corporate governance in these two largest economies in Asia.Scholars who disagree that Asia needs uniquely Asian corporate governance theories would argue that by definition, a theory should be generalizable to different observations across countries (e.g., Cheng, 1994). There may be variations in how a theory is implemented in different settings but a theory such as agency theory or institutional theory should be universal. Thus, it is possible for research from a wide variety of settings to build on prior research and extend the theories and our understanding of corporate governance. As such, a call for uniquely Asian theories may not be warranted.In contrast, some scholars argue that the cultural distinctiveness of Asian and emerging economies call for entirely new theories that are built from the bottom up (e.g., Hofstede, 1993; Meyer, 2006). When China opened up its economy some Chinese scholars believed that China is different from the West, and thus needs to invent its own theories. Some even went so far to propose the establishment of a “Beijing Economics.” In responding to such a call, some economists tried to clarify whether there are Chinese economics or Beijing economics.Qian (2002) laid out a framework to assess this issue. He argued that a well-established discipline should have three commonly recognized dimensions: perspective (i.e., fundamental assumptions); reference (or benchmark, which provides theoretical models); and analytical tools (i.e., statistical analysis, case studies). He concluded that there is no need to invent country-specific economics, but application of current theories could develop unique and country-specific insights. Yet there is no denying that transformations in emerging markets present unprecedented challenges to existing theories. For example, why do some economies based on the rule of law and private property rights, such as India, experience a slower pace of economic growth than some economies in which property rights are less secure, such as China?Clearly, Chinese and Indian firms have some distinctive (and shared) governance traditions (and problems) due to their histories and the unique challenges they experience as they transition towards freer markets. For example, years of socialistic ideology (in India) and communistic ideology (in China) had led to closed markets and the dominance of the state in both economies (Huang & Khanna, 2003). However, there are striking differences in the political, economic, and cultural dimensions that would exert strong influence on the development (or lack thereof) of corporate governance in the two countries.In terms of the governance environment, which is the set of political, economic, and social institutions that facilitate or constrain the choices of governance mechanisms, China is more relation-based as it lacks a comprehensive rule of law and has a strong guanxi culture, whereas India is relatively more rule-based due to its long tradition of English common law and a democratic political system (Li & Filer, 2007; Li & Nair, 2007). Another interesting difference is that the Chinese economic reforms resulted from Mao's ruinous economic policy and thus was internally driven. But the reform has heavily relied on external resources (e.g., foreign investment). In contrast, the Indian economic reform was triggered by external events (the Gulf War and the collapse of the Soviet Union that drastically reduced foreign currency inflow and trade), but it has primarily relied on internal resources (Li & Nair, 2007). Understanding these different origins may help us better understand how corporate governance practices are being shaped in the two largest emerging economies that account for over one-third of the world's population.It is these corporate governance challenges in China and India, and the impact of reforms on governance that constituted much of the research that was presented at the symposium. Specifically, the conference revealed the following issues to be of central interest in the context of corporate governance in China and India.The Governance EnvironmentTo carefully delineate the unique approaches to corporate governance that has evolved in China and India, it is important to understand the environments that firms in these countries are embedded in, and how these environments are changing. The scope of discus
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