Although most teachers recognized the educational value of cultural games the data tends to indicate that their values cannot be translated into practice. There were worries that some teachers did not know their instructional value and some could not use the games for lack of game-based pedagogical know-how. This stems from the fact that games were not valued in that capacity at the point where pedagogical skills are developed (Nabie, 2011; Nabie & Sofo, 2009). Knowing that most participants interviewed had limited opportunity to experience the use of cultural games at the point where pedagogical skills are developed, it was not surprising to find that many participants seemed to have limited knowledge of the instructional value of cultural games in the mathematics classroom. Also it was not surprising that there were disagreements on whether games directly teach mathematics. Nonetheless, participants’ understanding that people count, use numbers and ordinals among others informally in the course of playing games suggests that games directly introduce some concepts to children. Games informally set the base for learning mathematics during play but some intervention is required to enable formal mathematical cognition. That is, in the classroom setting, teacher intervention is needed to link concepts and games.