We use garlic extract which got from take minced peeled garlic to spin in mixer, soak them in Ethanol in 1: 2 w/v ratio for 24 hours . Then filter the residue and take to Ethanol evaporate with Rotary evaporator at 70ºC. After that mix extracts with ethanol in 3 density, garlic extract 100%, 50% and 25%, And Ethanol 100%. At last, we spray them to mealy bugs which we collect from plants in Princess Chulabhorn collage Phetchaburi, timer and compare. Result show us they can manage mealy bugs, the most concentrated at 100% can kill all mealy bugs in53 seconds and least concentrated at 25% in 1 minute 41 seconds. This mean we got great result and we found we can use garlic extract with other insects too. We can develop its more and use in agriculture, it also show us about possibility to made pesticide from natural extract too