• Demonstratingand/or providing evidence in yourapplication
that the funds you are relying on will genuinelybe available to
you during your stayin Australia.
Your level of English language proficiencyin relation to that
required for your assessment level and education sector of
study. Where an English language test result is required, it
must be a ‘specified English language test’ and you should
have the results of this test before making your visa
Your academicrecordand qualificationscompleted.
Detailed information on requirements can be found on the
General requirements
General requirements you must meet include that:
You are of good character.
You are of sound health.
You have acceptablehealth insurance through the Overseas
Student Health Cover (OSHC) for yourself and members of
your familyunit accompanying you to Australia. Refer to
You have no outstanding debts to the Commonwealth of
Australia, or have made arrangements acceptable to the
Minister to repaysuch debts.
Where you are under 18 years of age, acceptable arrangements
for your accommodation, support and general welfare are in
If you are in Assessment Level 2 or 3, do not hold a student
visa and are applying in Australia, you must provide
exceptional reasons to justifythe grant of your visa.
Offer of a place in a course and confirmation of
If you are lodging a paper application you should provide either
an electronic confirmation of enrolment certificate or an ‘offer of
a place in a course’ letter from your Australian education
provider when you lodge yourapplication.
However, even if an ‘offer of a place in a course’ letter has been
provided to lodge your application, an electronic confirmation of
enrolment certificate is usually required before a student visa can
be granted. Exceptions to this include, but are not limited to the
Foreign Affairs or Defencescholarshiprecipients
Secondaryexchange students
Postgraduate research students on a subclass 574 student visa
while their thesis is being marked.
This is because these students provide other forms of evidence of
enrolment. To confirm whether you need to provide an electronic
confirmation of enrolment certificate, you maycontact the
See: www.immi.gov.au/Help/Pages/help-and-support.aspx
If you are applying using the department’s online lodgment
facility, eVisa, you will need your electronic confirmation of
enrolmentcertificate to lodge your application.
To be eligible for streamlined visa processing, you must provide a
confirmation of enrolment for full-time studyin an eligible course
at a participating educationproviderwhen you lodge your
application. If you package your courses, you must provide your
confirmation of enrolment in an approved enabling course and the
eligible course in your package at the time when you lodge your
An approved enablingcourse must be provided byan education
business partner nominated by your education provider, that is,
your main course provider. Your education provider can provide
you with details of their nominated education business partners.