Sendai Yuusha wa Inkyou Shitai – Chapter 5Sorry for the long delay. Ha การแปล - Sendai Yuusha wa Inkyou Shitai – Chapter 5Sorry for the long delay. Ha จีน วิธีการพูด

Sendai Yuusha wa Inkyou Shitai – Ch

Sendai Yuusha wa Inkyou Shitai – Chapter 5

Sorry for the long delay. Had to finish two papers and prepare for a test. I also had a bit of trouble making things sound right this chapter. Hope you enjoy.

The Preceding Hero is Inspired

It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of those nightmare things.

A battle maniac I fought three years ago when I was fighting as a hero appeared.
It was a dream where she kept on pressing me and saying
「Fight me~! Come on, fight me~!」
Ah~, it was a terrible dream.

I got up from the bed in the room that I was offered by the guild and stretched my body.

The guild offers a chance to rent simple rooms to low ranked people and that’s why I have a room.

Thanks to the bed that you could say was even harder than the floor, even I who could deeply sleep even on top of rocks couldn’t get to sleep. So it ended up being a light sleep.

I just thought of this now but I probably would have slept better if had tried sleeping on the side while sitting. It’s too late now.

If you’re wondering why I was sleeping in an environment that was inferior to even a stable, well, about~ that……It’s probably because I don’t have a single coin.

Hm? Was it because the medicinal plants were cheap, you ask?

Of course not. The medicinal plants were sold at a high price. The better medicinal plants that received the Fairies’ Blessing seem to have made up most of the bundles of medicinal plants. As proof of that, I have the pouch-type fourth dimensional tool bag at my waist.

Then, even after buying the tool bag, I still had around 2000f left over from the plants themselves.

With that much earnings, it seems that it was an impossible amount to earn among the newbies of the lowest rank E.

Naturally, I received the jealousy of the Senpais.

The muscular old men that surrounded me had such a manly stench that my body started shaking out of rejection of it.
As if thinking “You shuddering in fear”, the Senpais became even more arrogant.

At the time when I didn’t do much thinking and without thinking of the after effects and was about to beat down those old men, a goddess descended.

「Would you just stop it! Don’t you think that it’s shameful for you well aged men to be taunting a newbie! 」

Tre-san, you’re seriously an angel.

The men seemed to reluctantly retreat at Tre-san’s words.
Take that! I made fun at them a little in my heart but,

「Those guys really aren’t bad guys, you know. ……Well, they must’ve just been vexed by the topic of a guy that came fresh from the countryside. ……Please forgive them.」

When she said that, it was already as if I was granted the merciful words of a goddess.

Yeah, if I were to think of those old men’s position, I could see where they were coming from.
I think even I would be vexed too. I am a guy after all.

「Well, if you have some extra money, try treating them a bit. Since men are egoistic, if you do that, I’m sure that their attitude will change.」

I am also one of those men but, because they were Tre-san’s words, I was half-convinced so I agreed to it……

Should I really have done that?

「Ya hear that men! Newbie said that he’d treat us all to some drink!!」


In an instant, all of the mercenaries that were in the guild cheered.

By the time I had realized what was going on, it was already after I was brought to the guild and annexed bar where I first met Tre-san and the guild’s female faction was pulling my wallet’s string to remove it because I had bought all of the bar’s sake.

As the men continued their feast in the corner of my eye, the female faction made womanly glances that seem to want to say “He’d be a good source of money♪” aimed at me.

Ah~, women are scary.

With that proverb, that seems like it has lasted even to modern Japan, in my heart, today’s the day that I head to the guild.
No, well, that’s a bit exaggerated since this is only the second day.

Getting up out of bed, I pull out from the tool bag, not my uniform but, a set of clothes and a pair of leather gloves and leg guards.

These were the armor recommended by the guild for low rankers that I had bought on the side while I was getting the fourth dimensional bag.
These blade-protection types are a bit plain but they’re sturdy clothes that are hard to tear. Also, when you look at me wearing this leather armor, I completely look like a resident of a fantasy world.
I don’t want to hate how it looked brownish overall. It had a poverty look to it.

Incidentally, I stuffed my uniform into the tool bag. Though there isn’t a problem in space, if you don’t fold it to its smallest, it won’t go in.

While I resolved myself to rent a stable the next time, I left the room that I stayed overnight at and walked for about five minutes to arrive at the guild.

I wonder if Tre-san is gonna be there~, but she is kinda scary. While my inner self was uneasy with these thoughts, when I entered the guild, the place was engulfed by a suffocating tense feeling.

Huh~? What’s with this gloom?

Going from yesterday’s image, a guild had an image of being more frank (one where a television program would tell kids that they shouldn’t imitate it by showing how you could immediately start a violent fight or have some sake while having a common conversation, yet, when compared to the strict knighthood, a bit more frank), but this is……

Even the old men that charged at me yesterday were fully armed and had some meaninglessly serious faces on. Even the girls that were pulling on me yesterday had their bodies wrapped in some erotic equipment that seemed to bring up doubts on their defensive capabilities………

From the way that everyone looked like how they would be before a raid, my curiosity was aroused.

「Uhm~, Onee-san, onee-san.」

「Ah. ……Yes, good morning. What can I do for you?」

There was weird pause for a moment but the Reception’s Busty-chan showed me a smile on her face as if trying to firmly resist the atmosphere that had enwrapped the guild.
That pause was probably a pause where she was able to recognize me and think “So it was the newbie that brought in a mountain of medicinal plants”.
It’s scary to think that I might be given a nickname like “The Medicinal Plant Collector, Yuu”.

「Just what is with this view…」

「Eh? ……Ahh, the guild’s compulsory draft was announced……」

「Compulsory draft?」

「Yes. Limited to guild members that hold the rank of C or higher, it’s possible that the guild side might draft them in half compulsion. ……Yuu Yashiro-san is an E rank. You aren’t subject to the draft so you have nothing to worry about.」

Busty-chan answered smilingly.

……U~mu, I’m kind of getting a bad feeling about this. And these kind of feelings are usually~ on the mark.

「Is that so~. Well, I’ll be going.」

Since today looked like an unlucky day, I tried to leave, but as I did,

「Hm? ……Well if it isn’t Yuuya Shiro.」

She made a voice that called me to a stop. ……But still, why do the people of this world go and subtly change a person’s name like that.
Is it really that hard to pronounce?

As I turn around while thinking that, what had appeared there was Tre-san that had erotic equipment that had pressed down all over her brown skin.

「!, G, g………Good morning.」

Like in a fantasy, her glossy, black leather-made equipment had, in leotard-type fashion, been completely open from her collarbone to her abdomen below her bellybutton.
You could say that Tre-san’s equipment was able to pull out the charm of her cheeky rocket boobs very nicely. Her chest’s valley was a wonderful gem that could be enjoyed from up top, in front, or down below.
Then, along with that, probably made of the same material, she had glossy, black leather-made high-knee socks that stretched up to her thighs. That is also very erotic.

「Fufu, what’s wrong, Yuuya Shirou. You sure are looking me pretty earnestly, aren’t you.」


Tre-san laughed bewitchingly. N, not good…She found out that I was checking her out!

「You sure are precocious even though you’re just a kid. Well, since I had some fun seeing your bright red face, I guess I’ll take that as the payment.」

You were planning on charging me!? ……I, I knew it, women are scary.


「I’m already 16 you know!」

「Come back after you’ve reached the age where you can drink sake.」

In this world, Reinbulk, you’re generally seen as an adult once you’ve past 18 years old.

Gusun (Sob).

「Fufu……So, from the way you’re acting, looks like you don’t know anything.」


「There’s talk that, yesterday, a Court ranked demon appeared at the castle.」

「……Cou, Court ranked!?」

I was so surprised my voice turned inside out.
What “Court ranked” means is that even among demons, they are found in the higher rankings. Hold abilities next to the Demon Lord, there’s Duke Rank, Marquis Rank, Earl Rank, Viscount Rank, and Baron Rank, five ranks in total.

By the way, for anyone lower than Duke Rank, it’s fine to call them part of the masses.
There’s things like “they’re strong for a Baron Rank” or “they’re weak for an Earl Rank”.
It’s because this world is only for the great.

But, in regards to the Duke Ranked, even I who was a hero, I had to admit that their existence could only be monsters.

I mean, I, who tied with the Demon Lord, was only able to keep just the seven of them in check.

Well, even if you say Court Ranked, there are various ones that are below Duke Rank. I’m sure that it’s either from Pin to Kiri.
Even if they are Court Ranked, if it’s a small fry, even the excellent First Division Knights should be able to repel them or someth―――、

「Also, it was Duke Rank, [Agniera the Convicted].」

It was a monsterーー!!

Eh, eh!? And it was even that Flam!!

Self-proclaimed [War Princess of the Flame Axe]. Even among those monsters, she’s different. Without using magic, she’s a Demon woman that fights with her own skill and uniq
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仙台 Yuusha wa Inkyou 石台 — — 章 5对不起,长时间的延迟。不得不完成两篇论文,准备考试。我也有一点麻烦制作东西声音权这一章。希望你喜欢。启发了前面的英雄我见过那些噩梦的事情之一已有一段时间了。战斗疯子我战斗三年前,当我战斗英雄出现。它是一场梦,她一直在催我和说「Fight 我 ~ !来吧,跟我打架 ~! 」啊 ~,这是一个可怕的梦。我在房间里我被提供由行业协会和伸展我的身体从床上起床。公会提供了一个机会,简单租房到低排名的人,这就是为什么我有一个房间。多亏了你可以说甚至比地板是在床上,甚至我能深深地睡甚至在岩石上的人不能入睡。所以它最终成为浅度睡眠。我只是想现在这个,但可能会有睡得更好如果试过坐在一边睡觉。它现在也太晚了。如果你想知道为什么熟睡在次于甚至一个稳定的环境中,嗯,大约 ~ 那......这可能是因为我没有一个单一的硬币。Hm 吗?是因为药用植物很便宜,你问吗?当然不是。药用植物被高的价位卖出。更好的药用植物,收到了仙女的祝福似乎取得了大部分的成捆的药用植物。作为证明了这一点,我在我的腰有袋型第四维度工具袋。然后,即使在购买工具袋之后, 仍然有了大约 2000f 剩下是植物本身。与那多的收益,它似乎是不可能的数额之间的最低等级 E.新手挣当然,我收到了 Senpais 的嫉妒。包围着我的肌肉的老年男子有男子气概的恶臭,我的身体开始颤抖不排斥它。仿佛在想"你在恐惧中颤抖",Senpais 变得更加傲慢。当时当我没有做太多的思考和不加思索的后效应,大约要击败那些旧人,下降了一位女神。「Would 你停下来 !你不觉得这是可耻的你很好岁男子被嘲弄的新手 !」Tre san,你是认真的天使。男人们似乎都很不情愿地撤退 Tre 三个字。看这个 !我取笑他们一点在我的心里,「Those 家伙真的不是坏人,你知道。……好吧,他们必须已经只被困扰了刚从乡下的家伙的话题。……那么请原谅他们.」当她说时,它已经仿佛被授予一位女神的仁慈单词。是的要是想那些老男人的地位,我可以看到他们从哪里来的。我认为即使是我也会觉得烦。我毕竟是一个人。「Well,如果你有一些额外的钱,请尝试治疗他们有点。因为人是自私的如果你这样做,我敢肯定他们的态度会有所改变。 」我也是其中一个男人,但是因为他们 Tre 圣字,半-相信所以我同意了...应该我真的这样做吗?「Ya 听说男人 !新手说他会对待我们都给喝 !!」「「「Uooohhh !!」」」」」在一瞬间,所有的雇佣军,在公会欢呼。我已经意识到了什么的时候,已经是缘故的后我被带到公会并附酒吧在那里邂逅 Tre san,协会的女性派系还拖着我的钱包字符串以便移除它已经买好所有的栏。作为男性在角落里的我的眼睛继续他们的盛宴,作出有女人味的女性派扫了一眼,似乎想要说"他会很好的 money♪ 来源"旨在我。啊 ~,妇女是可怕的。那句格言,就好像它已经持续了甚至到现代的日本,在我心中,与今天的我头来到魔法行会的那一天。不,好吧,那是有点夸张因为这是唯一的第二天。我从床上爬起来,从工具袋,不是我的制服,但一套衣服和一双皮手套和护腿拔出来。这些都是由协会建议的低而我正四三维袋,我买了一边的战旗的盔甲。这些叶片保护类型是有点朴素,但它们坚固不易撕破的衣服。此外,当你看着我穿这皮革盔甲,我完全看起来像一个幻想世界的居民。我不想恨它如何整体看起来带褐色。它有一种贫穷给它看。顺便说一下,我把我的制服塞进工具袋。虽然有在空间里,不是问题,如果你不把它折到其最小,它不会进去。虽然我决定自己去租一个稳定的下一次,我离开我住的那间房,在一夜之间,走大约五分钟,到达了工会。我想知道是否 Tre san 将会有 ~,但她是有点吓人。虽然进入了激战的时候,我内在的自我是怀着这些想法,不安,地方陷入了一种令人窒息的紧张感觉。呵呵 ~ 吗?与这一片阴暗的是什么?会从昨天的形象,一个行会的形象都被更加坦诚地 (一个电视节目会告诉孩子们他们不应该模仿它通过展示如何你可以立即上演全武行或喝些日本清酒同时具有一个共同的话题,然而时相比,严格的骑士精神,多一点弗兰克),但这是...甚至老人向我冲过来昨天被全副武装,并对一些无谓地严肃的面孔。甚至在昨天拉我的女孩了他们的尸体裹在一些色情的设备,似乎带来了他们的防御能力的质疑......从每个人看上去像在 raid 之前他们会怎样的方式,引起了我的好奇心。「Uhm ~,特别 san、 特别 san。 」「Ah。……是的早上好。你在可以做? 」有人奇怪停顿了一会儿但接待巨乳陈我上露出了笑容她的脸,好像要坚决抵制了包裹行会的气氛。那暂停可能停顿了一下她在那里能够认出我并认为"所以这是在一座山的药用植物带来的新手"。很可怕,认为可能要考虑像"药用植物收藏家,悠"的绰号。不是什么与此视图......」「Eh 吗?……啊,协会的强制性草案是宣布......」「Compulsory 草案吗? 」「Yes。限于持有的 C 等级的公会成员或更高,是可能行会侧可能起草他们在半强迫的。……悠八城政基-san 是一种电子等级。你不该草案,所以你没有什么可担心。 」巨乳陈笑眯眯地回答。……U ~ 亩,我正在种不祥的预感。这种感觉通常是 ~ 的标记上。「Is 是这样 ~。好吧,我就要去。 」从今天看上去像倒霉的一天,我试着离开,但一样,「Hm 吗?……好吧如果这不是 Yuuya Shiro。 」她做了一个叫我停下来的声音。……但尽管如此,为什么做这个世界的人们去那样巧妙地改变一个人的名字。它是真的那么难发音吗?我一边思考,转过身,什么已经出现那里是 Tre san 上有色情已经按下遍布她的棕色皮肤的设备。「!, G, g………早上好.」像在幻想中,她有光泽的黑色皮革制造的设备,在紧身连衣裤式时装、 已经完全开放从她的锁骨到她腹部下方她不露肚脐。你可以说 Tre san 设备是能够很好地拔出她的厚脸皮火箭胸部的魅力。她的胸部谷是一个奇妙的宝石,可以享受从上面,在前面,或下面。然后,同时,可能由相同的材料,她有有光泽的黑色皮革制高-及膝袜,伸到她的大腿。这也是很色情。「Fufu,什么是错,Yuuya 四良。你肯定在看我很认真,不是吗.」「!?」Tre san 妖艳笑了起来。N,不好......她发现我在检查她出去 !确保 「You 是早熟的即使你只是个孩子。好吧,既然一些开心看到你明亮的红着脸,我想就当作支付。 」你打算在充电我 !?……我,我就知道,妇女是可怕的。……等一等 !我现在已经 16 你知道! 」「Come 回来后你已经达到年龄在那里你可以喝酒的缘故。 」在这个世界上,Reinbulk,你通常看到作为一个成年人一旦你过去的年满 18 岁。谷 (Sob)。「Fufu......因此,从你的行为的方式,看起来像你什么都不知道.」「Eh? 」居士的传言称,昨天,一家法院排名恶魔出现在这座城堡。 」「...... Cou, Court ranked !?", I was so surprised My Voice Inside turned out. What "ranked Court" means is that even among Demons, they are. found in the higher rankings. Hold abilities next to the Demon Lord, there's Duke Rank, Marquis Rank, Earl Rank, Viscount Rank, and Baron Rank, Five Ranks in total. By the Way, for anyone Lower than Duke Rank, it's fine to Call them Part of the masses. . There's Things like "they're strong for a Baron Rank" or "they're weak for an Earl Rank". It's because this World is only for the Great. But, in regards to the Duke Ranked, even I Who was a. hero, I had to Admit that their existence could only be Monsters. I Mean, I, Who tied with the Demon Lord, was only Able to Keep just the Seven of them in Check. Well, even if You Say Court Ranked, there are. various ones that are below Duke Rank. I'm sure that it's either from Pin to Kiri. Even if they are Ranked Court, if it's a Small Fry, even the First Division Excellent Knights should be Able to repel them or Someth ---, 「Also, it was Duke Rank. , [Agniera the Convicted]. 」It was a Monsterーー!! Eh, EH !? And that it was even Flam !! Self-proclaimed [War of the Flame Princess Axe]. Even among those monsters, she's different. Without using magic, she's a Demon woman that fights with her ​​own skill and uniq.
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ผลลัพธ์ (จีน) 2:[สำเนา]
仙台勇者WA Inkyou石台-第5章对不起,长时间的延迟。必须完成两篇论文,并为测试做准备。我也有一个有点麻烦让事情听起来权这一章。希望你喜欢。前面的主人公是启发它已经有一段时间,因为我已经看到了那些噩梦的事情之一。一场战斗疯子,我打三年前,当我作为战斗英雄出现了。这是一个梦,她不停地按我和他说「打我〜!来吧,打我〜!」啊〜,这是一个可怕的梦。我从床的房间,我提供的公会,伸展自己的身体站了起来。公会提供了一个机会,以租简约的客房为低排名人,这就是为什么我有一个房间里。多亏你可以说床是比地板就更难了,连我谁可以在岩石之上深深睡觉甚至无法入睡。因此,它结束了一个浅睡眠。我只是想到这里,但现在我很可能会睡得更好,如果曾试图睡在一边坐着。它现在已经太晚了。如果你想知道为什么我睡在那不如连一个稳定,良好,约〜这......这可能是因为我没有一个单一的硬币。环境嗯?是不是因为药用植物很便宜,你问?当然不是。药用植物在一个较高的价格出售。所收到的仙女“祝福更好药用植物似乎已经取得了大多数药用植物的束。作为证明了这一点,我有袋型第四维工具包在我的腰上。然后,即使购买工具包后,我仍然有大约2000F遗留下来的植物本身。有了这么多的收入,它似乎是一个不可能的量的最低等级E.的新手赚取中间当然,我收到了Senpais的嫉妒。肌肉发达的老男人包围着我有这样一个男子汉的腥臭味,我的身体开始摇晃甩了出来。仿佛思维“你打了一个寒颤在恐惧中”,该Senpais变得更加嚣张。在的时候,我没效果后,没有做太多的思考,没有的思维和即将打倒那些老男人,一个女神的后裔。「请问你刚才停止它!难道你不认为这是可耻的,你还有中年男子被嘲弄一个新手!」TRE-SAN,你是认真的天使。男人们似乎不情愿地退在TRE-SAN的话,接招!我取笑他们一点点在我的心脏,但是,「那些家伙真的不是坏人,你知道的。......那么,他们一定是刚刚被争论不休的一个家伙,来自乡下的新鲜的话题。......请原谅他们。」当她说,它已经就好像我被授予女神的怜悯的话。是的,如果我想那些老男人的位置,我可以看到他们来自何处。我想即使我会烦了。我毕竟是一个人,「好吧,如果你有一些额外的钱,尝试处理他们一点。因为男人是自私的,如果你这样做,我敢肯定,他们的态度会有所改变。」我也是那些人之一,但,因为他们是TRE-SAN的话,我便答应了它是半确信...... 如果我真的做到了?「雅听到男人!新手说,他会对待我们都有些喝!」「「「「「Uooohhh!」」」」」瞬间,一切都在公会佣兵的欢呼。到时候我已经意识到了什么是怎么回事,它已经在我被带到公会和吞并酒吧,在那里我第一次见到TRE-SAN和公会的女派拉着我的钱包的字符串,删除它,因为我已经买了所有酒吧的缘故。作为男人继续他们在我的眼角盛宴,女性做派女人味的目光,似乎想要说“他会是♪钱的一个好来源”瞄准我。啊〜,女人是可怕的。有了这俗语,说好像它一直持续,甚至现代日本,在我的心脏,今天的我前往公会的日子。不,好,这是一个有点,因为这夸张的是仅是第二日。起床下床,我从拉出来该工具包,不是我的制服,但,一套衣服和一双皮手套和护腿的。这些都是推荐的公会,我就在旁边买了,而我得到的第四立体袋低rankers的盔甲。这些刀片保护类型是有点平淡,但他们是很难撕衣服彪悍。此外,当你看着我穿着这件皮甲,我完全像一个幻想世界的居民。我不想恨它如何看待褐色的整体。它有一个贫穷的面貌吧。顺便说一句,我塞进我的制服到工具包。尽管没有在太空中的一个问题,如果你没有它折叠到最小,也不会进去的。虽然我自己决定租一个稳定的,下一次,我离开了我过夜的房间,走了大约五分钟,在公会到达。我不知道如果TRE-SAN是要去那里〜,但她是有点吓人。虽然我的内心是不安与这些想法,当我进入公会,这个地方被吞没令人窒息的紧张感。咦〜?什么是与此悲观?从昨天的形象去,一个公会曾经有过更坦率的图像(即一个电视节目会告诉孩子们,他们不应该通过展示你如何能立即开始猛烈的战斗还是有一定的缘故而模仿有一个共同的对话,然而,相比于严格的爵位,更坦诚一点),但是这是...... 即使是老人,在我昨天的收费是全副武装,并在有一些无谓严重的面孔。即使是在我身上昨天拉了女孩裹着似乎带来了疑惑他们的防守能力.........一些色情装备自己的身体从方式,每个人看起来好像他们怎么会袭击之前,我的好奇心被激起。「嗯〜,Onee-SAN,onee-SAN。」「啊。......是的,早上好。我能为你做什么?」有怪异停顿了片刻,但接待的巨乳议员向我展示了她的脸上露出了笑容,仿佛试图坚决抵制了包裹公会的气氛。这停顿可能是一个停顿,她能够认出我,并认为“所以这是在药用植物的山带来的新手”。这是可怕的想,我可能会得到像“药用植物收藏家,优”的昵称。「到底什么是这个鉴于......」「嗯?......啊,公会的强制性草案公布......」「强制草案?」「是的。仅限于公会成员持有的C或更高军衔,它可能是公会方可能在半强迫他们起草。......八代优-SAN是E级。所以你完全不用担心你是不是受到了草案。」巨乳瓒笑着回答。...... U〜亩,我得到一种关于这个不好的预感。这些样的感受通常是在〜标记。「是这样〜。好吧,我会去。」由于今天看上去像一个不吉利的日子,我想离开,但像我一样,「嗯?......那么,如果它不佑也四郎。」她做了一个声音叫我停了下来。......但尽管如此,为什么这个世界上的人去和微妙地改变一个人的名字那样,是不是真的那么难用?当我转身时认为,什么已经出现有TRE-SAN是有色情设备这已经按下在她古铜色的肌肤。「!,G,G .........早上好。」在幻想像,她有光泽,黑色皮革制造的设备有,在连体衣时尚型,已经从她的锁骨完全开放下面她的肚脐她的腹部。可以说,TRE-SAN的设备是能够拉出来,她面露火箭胸部的魅力非常漂亮。她胸前的山谷是一个奇妙的宝石,可以从多达顶级享受,在前面,或向下跌破,随后,伴随着的是,也许相同的材料制成的,她有光泽,黑色皮革制成高过膝袜的向上伸展她的大腿。这也是非常色情。「福福,什么是错的,佑也郎。你一定要找我很认真,不是你的。」「!?」TRE-SAN笑道bewitchingly。N,也不好......她发现了我检查她出去!「你确实是,即使你只是一个孩子早熟。好吧,既然我有一些有趣的看到你的红彤彤的脸,我想我会接受这样的付款。」你正计划对充电我!?......我,我知道了,女人是可怕的。......等等!「我已经16你知道吗!」「回来你已经达到了这个年龄,你可以喝清酒后。」在这个世界上,Reinbulk,你一旦你过去的18岁“再普遍认为,作为一个成年人。估损(SOB)。「福福......所以,从你表现的方式,看起来你什么都不知道。」「嗯?」「有传言称,昨天,法院排妖出现在城堡。」「......凑,法院排!?」我很惊讶我的声音里面翻出来。什么“法院排名”的意思是,即使是恶魔,他们是在较高的排名中。持有能力旁边的恶魔领主,还有杜克大学排名,侯爵排名,伯爵等级,贵族等级和男爵等级,五个等级的总和。顺便说一句,任何人比公爵等级低,它的罚款 ​​叫他们群众的一部分。有喜欢的东西“,他们很坚强的男爵等级”或“他们是虚弱的伯爵等级”。这是因为这个世界是只为大。但是,关于公爵排名,连我谁是英雄,我不得不承认它们的存在只能是怪物。我的意思是,我,谁绑的恶魔领主,是唯一能够让他们的只是七支票。好吧,就算你说法院排名,有各那些低于公爵排名。我敢肯定,这是无论是从固定到基里。即使他们是法院排名,如果它是一个小混混,甚至是优秀的第一部骑士应该能够击退他们或someth ---, 「而且,这是杜克大学排名[Agniera被定罪。」这是一个怪物ーー!! 嗯,嗯!?而有人甚至认为弗莱姆!! 自称[公主战争火焰斧。即使在那些怪物,她的不同。如果不使用魔法,她是一个恶魔的女人,与她自己的技能和战斗的uniq

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (จีน) 3:[สำเนา]















การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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