In recent year, numerous group have offered criticism on how to be "good environmentalists." Although well intentioned, the advice is too often wasted on little more than uncritical acceptance of such core beliefs as "recycling is good." From the perspective of the total environment, the advice is frequency wrong. Those who follow it may actually end up harming the environment more than if they were to ignore it altogether.
Here is one of the common myths: plastics are bad. To most standards of "green" consumerism, an aluminum container is best, glass second and plastic the worst. However, according to the economic and environment research organization California futures, of non-recycled containers, plastic supplies the least energy to manufacture.
Plastic are lighter and more efficient than many other kinds of packaging. A research organization in Germany examined the effects of eliminating all plastic containers in that country. If found that energy conservation would almost double, and the weigh of solid wasters would increase 404 percent. While we seek to protect the environment, let us take care to look beyond the "simple" rules that may do more harm than good.