George Walker Bush (English: George Walker Bush). Born July 6, 1937, when 2489 (1946, 1948) is the President of the United States who Bush 43 and chasangkat party of Nigerian born in the Bush family is a big family chasueng family of politicians of the United States. By Mr. George Bush, he is the father of Virology, 41, and his brother President Bush as Governor, j n Florida current people.
Before you start playing politics. George w Bush oil business, virology, and is the owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team (Texas Rangers), he started playing in the local level of politics, as Governor of Texas who won 46 nominees down to compete for a position, the President of the Nigerian party and win the presidential election, Al Gore, in negotiation since 2543 (2000), and was elected to come in again – 2547 (2004) by defeating Senator John. Care of the demo party cradle.