The final sample was composed of respondents whose functions
are directly related to SCM processes from 310 different companies
with headquarters in the USA, Europe, Canada, Brazil and China. The
dataset used was made up of cases collected from research on the
SCMMM — Supply Chain Management Maturity Model [55]. The
sample deliberately included companies from different industries
since various industry settings need to be investigated in the context
of global supply chains [57].
The study participants were selected from several sources:
1. The membership list of the Supply Chain Council. The “user” or
practitioner portion of the list was used as the final selection since
this represented members whose firms supplied a product, rather
than a service, and were thought to be generally representative of
supply chain practitioners rather than consultants.
2. Firms that were interested in measuring their supply chain
maturity and developing an improvement plan. These firms
responded to an email solicitation recruiting participants for a
global research project on Supply Chain Maturity.
3. Companies formally associated with IMAM. IMAM is a recognized
logistics education and consultancy institution in São Paulo, Brazil.
By accessing the mailing list of this institution, the sample
composition evolved: manufacturing firms; construction firms;
retail businesses; graphic industries; extractive firms; communication
and IT providers; and gas, water and electricity productive
The final sample was composed of respondents whose functionsare directly related to SCM processes from 310 different companieswith headquarters in the USA, Europe, Canada, Brazil and China. Thedataset used was made up of cases collected from research on theSCMMM — Supply Chain Management Maturity Model [55]. Thesample deliberately included companies from different industriessince various industry settings need to be investigated in the contextof global supply chains [57].The study participants were selected from several sources:1. The membership list of the Supply Chain Council. The “user” orpractitioner portion of the list was used as the final selection sincethis represented members whose firms supplied a product, ratherthan a service, and were thought to be generally representative ofsupply chain practitioners rather than consultants.2. Firms that were interested in measuring their supply chainmaturity and developing an improvement plan. These firmsresponded to an email solicitation recruiting participants for aglobal research project on Supply Chain Maturity.3. Companies formally associated with IMAM. IMAM is a recognizedlogistics education and consultancy institution in São Paulo, Brazil.By accessing the mailing list of this institution, the samplecomposition evolved: manufacturing firms; construction firms;retail businesses; graphic industries; extractive firms; communicationand IT providers; and gas, water and electricity productive
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