UN VS Powerful countries
UN VS BWI, Washington Consensus
All major rules on earth are usually set by the powerful countries Facilitate for their benefits directly and indirectly
My critical Question : how to solve the world problems sustainably, what will be the best rules of the Earth that all countries share the benefits proportionally
My critical Question
1. how to solve the world problems sustainably?
2. what will be the best rules of the Earth that all countries share the benefits proportionally?
3. How to tackle down the Poverty on Earth completely 100%?
Global Concerns
The issue or the situation that affects all countries on Earth Global Governance --> Global Action--> Collective Effort , to tackle down the issues.
The major actors must involve UN, Each state, Civil Society,NGO and…….who plays very significant role in the globalization era.
What will be the proper roles of each major actor on global issues?
Global Challenges
Natural Threats , Human Threats