The parameters are given at Fig. 5. The average value of View the MathML source. The speed of sound in the test solution was increased but not higher than 0.5% from its initial value of 1560 m/s during the reaction. Thus, relative changes of the speed of sound were not substantial but taken into account in the dependence in Fig. 5.
5. Discussion
The comparison of the data obtained in this study with spectrophotometry and the OA technique and the existing data are summed up in Table 1. We would like to emphasize few important issues related with the OA technique in the application to analytical chemistry. First, let us discuss the limitations as an optical technique based on the direct measurement of a laser fluence distribution within the medium under study. Since spectrophotometry is a very robust and conventional technique in analytical chemistry also based on the measurement of light absorption, first of all, we need to compare these methods from the viewpoint of their applicability limits.