5. Discussion of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
One of the important questions in business has been why some organizations succeeded while others failed.
Organization performance has been the most important issue for every organization (both profit making and nonprofit
making ones). It has been very important for managers to know which factors influence an organization’s
performance in order for them to take appropriate steps to initiate them. Based on the above, this study examined
the relationship between organizational climate and corporate performance.
5.1. Relationship between Recognition and Profitability
The first hypothesis sought to examine the relationship between recognition of employee’s achievement and
organizational profitability. Hence it was hypothesized that there is no significant relationship between
recognition and profitability. Data analysis however revealed a strong positive relationship between recognition
and organizational profitability (rho = 0.712). The finding supports the earlier finding of Mathisen and Einarsen,
(2004). Based on this finding it was concluded that recognition of employees’ achievements enhances
organizational profitability. Recognition involves the identification of the contributions of organizational
members in relation to the work they perform in a company. Most experienced workers appreciate recognition as
it gives them a sense of belonging and encourages them to work harder. Some employees are well experienced
and have attained much higher level on the job, and they are never motivated by pay and fringe benefits, but by
the recognition of their efforts (Mathisen and Einarsen, 2004). This is because they have the belief and attitude
to render the best service in accordance with the wealth of experience, skills, and knowledge they have attained
in their previous organizations (Koys and De Cotiis, 1991). Thus, when a worker’s effort is recognized he or she
feels motivated as motivation leads to improved productivity which ultimately leads to corporate profitability.
5.2. Relationship between Support and Profitability
The second hypothesis sought to examine the relationship between organizational support and corporate
profitability. Hence it was hypothesized that there is no significant relationship between organizational support