In this paper, current accounting requirements for interperiod tax allocation are analyzed.
Logical analysis suggests that deferred tax should be recognized at present value. This
conclusion is supported by several research efforts that indicate investors and analysts
generally find undiseounted deferred tax to be irrelevant and either eombine it with equity
(ignore it) or attempt some sort of diseounting proeess. If aeeounting standards require
interperiod tax alloeation, a relevant, present value amount of deferred tax should be required
instead of a generally irrelevant, undiseounted amount. Reporting a less objeetive but mueh
more relevant value for deferred tax would be preferable to reporting an undiseounted,
irrelevant value. A realistie, present value method that ean be used in praetiee for finaneial
reporting is presented. The suggested method results in a valuation for deferred tax liabilities
that is eonsistent with the valuation of other long-term liabilities under eurrent GAAP.