Serving Each play starts off with a serve. The server behind the line at the very back of the court called the end line, and has freedom to serve from wherever he or she pleases as long as the foot does not touch or Cross the line. If the server's foot crosses the end line, it is c a foot fault, and results in a side-out a change in possession of the ba The Underhand Serve erve the ball in the hand opposite from the hitting hand, e. a right-hdnded player would the ball in the left hand. Hold the ball below the waist and the knee so that with beht knees, the server is in good posifion to get the ball over the net For a right-handed player, the ball should be held still in the left hand, and the right hand should make a fist with the thumb on top of the folded-in fingers. The right fist should make contact with the underside of the point of on the palm side of the right hand, between the folded in fingers and the wrist. Bring the right arm