almost double the amount spent on social marketing. By 2015, it is estimated that mobile marketing spending will account for around $16 billion annually, while social marketing will be just over $6 billion. While social marketing is growing at around 30% a year, mobile is growing at around 50% a year. Location-based marketing, estimated to be about $2.3 billion in 2013, is a rapidly expanding segment of mobile advertis- ing. This figure underestimates the total social marketing spending because more than 25% of Facebook visits originate from a mobile device. A substantial part of the mobile marketing spending should be counted as “social” marketing. Nevertheless, the figure indicates the extraordinary impact that mobile devices are having on marketing expenditures. Figure 7.2 puts the social-mobile-local forms of advertising into the context of the total online advertising market. Here you can see that traditional online marketing (browser-based search and display ads, and e-mail marketing) still constitutes the majority of all online marketing, but it is growing much more slowly than social- mobile-local marketing. By 2015, social-mobile-local marketing will be 50% or more of all online marketing. The marketing dollars are following customers and shoppers from the PC to mobile devices