to all candidates
the examination is held on one morning near the end of each term. all candidates must arrive at the examination hall no later than 8.45 a.m. you must be punctual. no one will be adimtted to the testing-room after the examination has begun.
you must identity youself at the test center. for this purpose, you must bring either your passport or your official identification card. students who have on identification with them will not be allowed to take the test.
you should take with you two or three pencills and an eraser because no writing equipment is provided at the test center. it is advisable to bring a writing you so that you can easily see how much time you have left.
books,dictionaries,papers or notes may not to taken into the examination room and should be deposited on the tables outside. anyone found to have sush materials will not be permitted to continue the test.
eash student will receive a registration number as he enters the room. you should proced direcity to the aesk which has the same number on it and sit in silence unit the test begins. take care to enter you registration number mo the answer sheet along with you name. all answer sheets should be marked in this way before they are handed in.