Amount of water your body needs per day. To balance the water to drink per day should be equal excretion in normal conditions would have to drink 8 glasses of water per day (240 ml per glass) if drinking 2 glasses of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. The body's urge to urine and feces system and nervous system work. Health is better Drinking water may need to add more than 8 - 10 glasses a day if in a hot climate, hard work or exercise. When you start to feel dehydrated dried saliva imbalance caused by a lack of water will stimulate the brain, making us feel thirsty. Feeling thirsty is a pointer that the body needs water. But the hard workout Feeling thirsty is pressed to return to a period of time. Which should provide adequate drinking water since the before, during and after exercise. Beliefs without feeling thirsty solely on the findings of American College of Sport Medicine (1996) found that 37 percent of athletes in spite of the severe water deficit. But do not feel thirsty Degrade the athlete faster. But we should not drink a lot of water before meals because it dilutes the digestive juices. Digestion is bad