Budgets use resources so they are closely linked with key
performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs help to evaluate the overall
performance of the business. Davis Service Group’s KPIs include
measurement of:
• organic revenue growth (i.e. sales growth excluding acquisitions)
• operational throughput (e.g. tonnage of linen processed)
• management retention rate (i.e. keeping experienced staff in
the company)
• health and safety records (e.g. major incident injury rate)
• environmental performance (e.g. water and energy consumption).
As with the budget, action is prompted through variance from the
KPI. For example, if a plant's environmental performance has
worsened, does it require additional investment in equipment? If
health and safety incidents have increased, do employees need
more training?
The benefits and drawbacks of budgeting
There are many advantages to using budgets. They:
• provide a method of allocating and using resources within the
• help to monitor and control operations
• promote forward thinking
• show employees an overall picture of the direction of the
organisation which can motivate staff
• help to co-ordinate different departments and align them
towards shared objectives
• provide a framework for delegation.
Most importantly, budgets are an early warning system. They
highlight where investigation and appropriate corrective action is
necessary. For example, Davis recognized as early as 2008 that
the recession was affecting its UK linen operation. It took action to
ensure the impact was managed for the second half of 2008.
It then assessed the implications of recession right across the
business – management was put on ‘full alert’.
These benefits do not come problem-free:
• Staff time devoted to budgets carries a real opportunity cost.