Abstract: In this project, a solution has been provided for the problems encountered in parking -lot management
systems via RFID technology. RFID readers, RFID labels, computers, barriers and software are used as for the main
components of the RFID technology. The software has been handled for the management, controlling, transaction
reporting and operation tasks for parking lots located on various parts of the city. Check -ins and check-outs of the
parking-lots will be under control with RFID readers, labels and barriers. Personnel costs will be reduced considerably
using this technology. It will be possible to see unmanned, secure, auto-mized parking-lots functioning with RFID
technology in the future. Check-ins and check-outs will be handled in a fast manner without having to stop the cars so
that traffic jam problem will be avoided during these processes. Drivers will not have to stop at the circulation points
and parking tickets will be out of usage during check-ins and check-outs.Vehicle owners will not have to make any
payments at each check-out thus a faster traffic flow will be possible.The slot availability details are collected using an
RFID system and are updated periodically into a Web server via Internet for a registered user. If needed, the user can
reserve his parking slot either way since we have both website application and Android app. Since there won't be any
waiting during check-ins and check-outs the formation of emission gas as a result of such waiting will be avoided.