The properties of the three studied fuels are listed in Table 2.
Both gasoline and ethanol were supplied by Shell Global Solutions,
UK. The 1-butanol was supplied by Fisher Scientific UK Ltd. The
ULG95 was used in its supplied form, while the 1-butanol and
ethanol fuels were mixed with the ULG95 fuel to form the Bu20
and E20 fuel blends with each containing 20%vol 1-butanol and
20%vol ethanol respectively. The ULG95 fuel was supplied with
5%vol ethanol pre-mixed in it, so the 20%vol 1-butanol blend and
ULG95 fuel also had 5%vol ethanol in them too, while the 20%vol
ethanol blend did not have any additional ethanol. It was chosen
to study ethanol blended into gasoline fuel rather than in its pure
form because ethanol is used on a wide scale only in its blended
forms of up to 20%vol and in the near future this trend is likely
to continue with ethanol–gasoline blends between 20 and 40%vol
[20]. Therefore the blended form was tested which will not only
allow the effect of ethanol addition to gasoline on DISI engine performance
and emissions to be quantified, it will allow the precise
effects of one of the most relevant ethanol–gasoline blends on DISI
engine performance and emissions to be quantified. 1-butanol
while not widely used in 1-butanol-gasoline blends has the potential
to be used in the future with similar blend ratios as ethanol–
gasoline blending; therefore 1-butanol has also been studied. It