The result of step 4, the test for omitted paths, to determine whether additional causal
relationships should be includeddifference test-value (Δ2 = 102.5 (cut-off = 54.6 with df = 39 and p = .05)). This suggested
that important paths were missing from the hypothetical model. To determine which paths
were missing, follow-up tests were performed that indicated the presence of significant waveskipping
paths (PCT1 - PCT3; PCT2 - PCT4; SCT1 - SCT3; SCT2 - SCT4; SBT1 - SBT3; SBT2 -
SBT4), as well as the presence of a significant reversed causal path between safety behaviour
at T2 and safety climate at T3. Due to these results, the hypothesized model was extended by
including the significant wave-skipping paths and the reversed causal path between SBT2 and
SCT3. in the hypothetical structural model, showed a significant 2