Introduction: Science and scientific research have been growing at a faster rate during
recent years. Indian Journal of Bio-Chemistry and Bio-Physics is highly helpful in the field
of Biology and Chemistry and other Science related branches. They develop benchmark to
evaluate the quality of information resources and package of information for decision
making in Science. It provides key opportunities to researcher to publish their article with
new straggles, innovation, new ideas, and new methods. Scientometric is one of the most
common areas of study among the Researchers and research activity.
Biochemistry is a fascinating subject that deals with the chemical language of life, be it
human, animal, plant, or microorganism. Biochemistry interfaces with Biology and
Chemistry and is concerned with the Chemical processes that take place within living cells.
The Science is the application of the laws of Physics to biological phenomena.
Biophysics is subject that deals with the various aspects of tools, techniques, laws and
methods used in Biology and Physics and it is an interdisciplinary Science using methods
of, and theories from, physics to study biological systems. Biophysics spans all levels of
biological organization, from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems.
Biophysical research shares significant overlap with Bio-Chemistry, Bioengineering, agro
physics, and System Biology. It has been suggested as a bridge between biology and
Introduction: Science and scientific research have been growing at a faster rate duringrecent years. Indian Journal of Bio-Chemistry and Bio-Physics is highly helpful in the fieldof Biology and Chemistry and other Science related branches. They develop benchmark toevaluate the quality of information resources and package of information for decisionmaking in Science. It provides key opportunities to researcher to publish their article withnew straggles, innovation, new ideas, and new methods. Scientometric is one of the mostcommon areas of study among the Researchers and research activity.Biochemistry is a fascinating subject that deals with the chemical language of life, be ithuman, animal, plant, or microorganism. Biochemistry interfaces with Biology andChemistry and is concerned with the Chemical processes that take place within living cells.The Science is the application of the laws of Physics to biological phenomena.Biophysics is subject that deals with the various aspects of tools, techniques, laws andmethods used in Biology and Physics and it is an interdisciplinary Science using methodsof, and theories from, physics to study biological systems. Biophysics spans all levels ofbiological organization, from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems.Biophysical research shares significant overlap with Bio-Chemistry, Bioengineering, agrophysics, and System Biology. It has been suggested as a bridge between biology andฟิสิกส์การ
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