As shown in Exhibit 4-5, Model 1 and 2 in Panel A, representing the IPO underpricing
explanatory factors in both Hong Kong and Singapore, depict that operating margin, Ln ( Pre
D/E ), Firm Size, Ln (Gross Proceeds) and Overallotment option are statistically significant.
Only three of them are consistent with our expected sign of coefficient. They are Ln (Pre D/E),
Ln (Gross Proceeds) and Overallotment which appear to support our hypothesis 1-c, 4 and 7.
The other two independent variables that reject our hypothesis from Panel A are Operating
Margin and Firm Size. Only underwriter reputation is deemed to be significant at 10% level in
Panel A for both models, mainly due to larger sample size which also reject our hypothesis 8.
This is also supported by other empirical studies (Booth and Smith (1986), Titman and
Trueman (1986), Carter and Manaster (1990)) that issuers tend to use prestigious underwriter
to eliminate some of ex-ante uncertainty on firm's 'real value' not resolved only by disclosing