This paper develops a yaw dynamic model for a farm tractor with a hitched implement, which can be used to understand the effect of
tractor handling characteristics for design applications and for new automated steering control systems. Dynamic equations which use a
tire-like model to capture the characteristics of the implement are found to adequately describe the tractor implement yaw dynamics. This
model is termed the ‘‘3-wheeled” Bicycle Model since it uses an additional wheel (from the traditional bicycle model used to capture
lateral dynamics of passenger vehicles) to account for the implement forces. The model only includes effects of lateral forces as it neglects
differential longitudinal or draft forces between inner and outer sides of the vehicle. Experiments are taken to verify the hitch model using
a three-dimensional force dynamometer. This data shows the implement forces are indeed proportional to lateral velocity and that dif-
ferential draft forces can be neglected as derived in the ‘‘3-wheeled” Bicycle Model. Steady state and dynamic steering data are used for
implements at varying depths and speeds to quantify the variation in the hitch loading. The dynamic data is used to form empirical trans-
fer function estimates (ETFEs) of the implements and depths in order to determine the coefficients used in the ‘‘3-wheeled” Bicycle
Model. Changes in a single parameter, called the hitch cornering stiffness, can capture the various implement configurations. Finally,
a model that includes front wheel drive forces is derived. Experiments are taken which provide a preliminary look into the effect of
four-wheel drive traction forces, and show a difference with two-wheel versus four-wheel drive, on the yaw dynamics of a tractor with
the hitched implement.