I'm a man who loves life and is very happy. I think positive and always feel optimistic about life and grateful t be alive.I don't think success has anything to do with how much money a person makes. I measure success based on being the best person you can be. It's most important to make the world a better place in the time we are here n Earth.Honesty is the trait that everything good in life is built on. Love, friendship, respect, peacefulness and all that is good in the world and will help heal the world and make it a better place t live begins with honesty and Love of others. I try to be a better person every day and always learn from the many mistakes all of us make. This is very serious, but I should tell you that I laugh and joke EVERY DAY AND A LOT! I love to have fun and am crazy in a good, healthy way. ( not dangerous crazy!)
He's Looking For
I want to have a true Love. I want a Love based on a strong friendship and Trust in each other always. I want a Love where both hearts feel such strong Love, we are loyal to our Love for the rest of our lives. We are together during the good times and bad, happy and sad and nothing in life can break our Love for each other. I want to be with a woman who is still strong enough to open her heart all the way to Trust and Love each other, so we have a Love that grows stronger and deeper the longer we are together. I am not looking for the perfect woman. There is no perfect man or woman, but there is a perfect woman for me and she is an Honest, Kind Hearted woman who is Loyal and believes on True Love and wants it ore than anything. I want to slowly build a close friendship that grows closer and stronger every day. I believe the greatest Love naturally grows from a strong friendship. An honest friendship is the strongest foundation for a Love that lasts a lifetime. Any Love that’s not built on a foundation of friendship at its base is like a Mansion built on a foundation built on sand.
Favorite Movie:
I don’t have any Favorites in any category. Everything I Love, I Love in its own unique way and I don’t feel its possible or necessary to compare and make a list from 1 to 10 with anything in my life whether it’s a book, movie or a person. I can tell you I don’t like violent movies. The world is so violent with so much pain and suffering, I’m not entertained by watching violent movies, unless the violence is important to the story and is there to tell the truth, but not to entertain by making violence appealing.
Favorite Book:
I have always loved reading since I was able to read beginning at the age of 6 years old. I have read thousands of books in my life and could never choose a favorite book, because it’s impossible to compare two great books that are two completely different subjects. I have a very curious mind that feels the same joy in learning as I have all my life. ( Maybe even more now I think! ) When people ask me what I’m interested in learning about, my answer is after a few seconds of thinking is, “ There really isn’t anything that is not interesting to me to read or to experience. Life is a never ending classroom and I feel each day I’m both a Teacher and a student.
Favorite Food:
I don’t cook. The women in my family all were great cooks and food was equal to Love. It was easier for my family to tell me they Loved me with every meal they cooked for me than to say the words, “ I Love You.Lol! The only food I don’t like because my American tongue was born this way, is spicy food. My whole family loves it! I take 1 bite and I need to put an ice cube in my lip and it feels like someone lit my lips on fire like they were cigarettes! LOl!
Favorite Music:
I LOVE MUSIC!!!! So many kinds, it all depends upon my mood! I need music like I need air to breathe! If I’m with a friend or Loved one, I am happy no matter what we are doing as long as we are together. I DO love to try new things and challenge myself. LIke I’m afraid of heights, so in my Birthday, I jumped out of a plan. ( I had a parachute on, but it was still very scary….and fun!)
I am known for having a very funny sense of humor that anyway who is with me for 1 hour on any day will hear me finding humor in life . I say that because I can find something funny in any situation in life…and I DO! LOL! I have often been told whether or not you like me, you CAN’T say the reason you don’t like me is because you are bored with me. I agree that it’s impossible. I have NEVER felt bored in my life. If I was locked in a jail cell alone for years, my mind is very creative and I would not be bored. ( I am not saying I would ever want that to happen! But I’m a positive thinker and my mind is strong, so I would have no choice but to deal with the reality and make the best of the situation. I would feel it is a challenge and all difficult challenges I believe 100& I will overcome and be better, stronger and wiser when it’s over. I automatically think like that. The words CAN’T and IMPOSSIBLE ARE NOT WORDS IN MY VOCABULARY! LOL! REALLY!!
I lived 9 months in the Philippines, 6 months in China and 3 months in Romania. I feel more at home in the East than in Western society. My thinking is more like Eastern society than Western.
Cultural Adaption:
In my mind there is only 1 Culture and all human beings are in the same one. People are more the same than different. They all Love, feel happiness, sadness, love friends and family, etc. There is no such thing as a Foreigner to me. That word is also not in my vocabulary and I don’t like the word. It’s only been see in front of me to tell me I am different and less than someone. Nobody is worth less or less important. No matter what counter they live in or how much money they have. No life is worth more or is more important in value than anyone else's life. I respect life and I am very much against the death penalty in all situations.
If I’m with the woman I Love, the weekend is perfect silly being together. Even if we never leave the home or have no home!
BORING. So boring when you look up boring in the dictionary, there;s a picture of me next to the word. Lol! Even I’m bored hanging out with myself, but everywhere I go, there I am. I CAN’T ESCAPE MYSELF! HELP ME! ( LOL!) LOL! No, the one thing I am not is boring.
My Perfect Match is:
YOU!!!!!!!! I know you will read this and feel you could have written the same words. I will be excited to read your letter. I am an optimist and I always believe the best will happen. I believe I will meet the Love of my Life here.If we talk a lot on Skype - which I like because we can see and hear each other - I hope in a few months we will want to spend time in person and I will come visit you for 3 or 4 months!