43.Pinkie pie :Run For you liiiiiiiiife!
44.Rarity :What ever should we do,Twilight? How do we stop the disaster if we don't know it is?
45.Twilight Sparkle :We'll just have to work together to make sure we're safe.Rainbow Dash,you and the other Pegasi spread out ever Equestria,and look for any kind of problem that could lead to a disaster,and i mean anything.
46.Rainbow Dash : You got it!
47.Twilight Sparkle : Everypony else-
48.Pinkie Pie : [screaming]Anypony else wanna panic with me? No?[resumes screaming.]
49.Twilight Sparkle : Everypony else,time to disaster - proof Equestria![cement squelching.]
50.Big McIntosh :Eeyup.[splash]
51.Twilight Sparkle :Done,and done,and done.Applejack,what about the Everfree forest?
52.Applejack : The perimeter's clear.
53.Twilight Sparkle:Great.
54.Rainbow Dash: And myteam gave the all clear from Fillydelphia to Las Pegasus.