All sample handling was performed in a Class-100 laminar flow
unit in a clean room laboratory (ISO-9000:2001 certification). Puri-
fied deionised water (high purity water, ≥18.2 M cm−1, Elga Ltd.,
UK) was used for the preparation of all aqueous solutions and rinsing
of all laboratory ware and FI-CL manifold tubing. High and low
density polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE) containers (Nalgene) were
used for all experiments. These were washed in DeconTM detergent,
then soaked in 6 M HCl (VWR, AnalaR) for 7 days and then soaked
size cartridge filter (PoreticsTM) from ∼2 to 5 m depth. All the samples
above were collected in acid washed HDPE carboys (tanks) and
stored unacidified at room temperature (15–22 ◦C) in the dark.