we playing with my brother. They were building a very wonderful castle in the sand. Then came two men and destroyed the castle. Then they took my sister and my brother with them.The men bound and gagged them. I ran and ran with them but one man got into a boat, and then they went away.
I went to the city, to the police station. The police man asked me: "What's the matter?" I said: "My sister and brother have been kidnapped in a boat. The number is "XXX5". "XXX5"? "Yes". "Two men in a boat witht he number"XXX5?" "Yes, yes". The men are horrible gangsters." "Oh, really?" "Yes". Then he said to the other police man. "Let's go, let's go." They ran away. I waited for five hours. Then the police men came back with my sister and brother.They ran and I ran also. My sister said: "It was so terrible. But now we are safe. Look! The men are arrested!" My brother said: "We were playing on the beach and I saw that the men were putting exotic animals into a boat.They drove away, and then I built the castle. Suddenly the men came back and took us away." I said: "All is good now. You are heroes. We won't tell mum and dad anything. Let's go. We are going to eat an ice-cream."
On the next day my sister and brother got 50.000 pounds as a reward for helping to catch the gangsters.
Melanie Rebernig