Lol I remember it was a real mess to get to the island by boat (and to come back as well). Hopefully you're witch powers will be useful to overcome that ;p
Haha I know, first things I've learnt to say in Thai was "mai phet". Once I forgot to say it cuz I just ordered a cucumber salad, and I almost died of burning tongue. Som Tum is Papaya salad right ? I'm sure you are good cooker !
Oh I also went to Yunnan! It was a really nice place, and best weather (althouhg I also like sunny weather of Thai islands )
Yeah I was in Nepal for 5 months studying human children behavior ;p And I also had the opportunity to do trekking (twice!) and visit beautiful places. I basically fell in love with the country and I miss it really much.
Hehe I still have one bill of 100 baat in my wallet somehow. I'll keep it for my next visit to your adoption country :p