Results: From raw fish samples 47(48.95%), E. coli, were isolated. From RTE fish products 7(12.96%), E. coli were isolated.
Overall incidence for E. coli was 54 (29.34%). In vitro virulence characterization of isolates exhibited that all E. coli isolates
were haemolytic while indicators of plausible cytotoxicity ( lecithinase, protease and gelatinase production) were in the range
of 16.67% to 35.19% indicated that though the isolates were haemolytic they were perhaps less likely to be cytotoxic. Congo
Red binding assay for E. coli isolates revealed that majority (88.89%) of the isolates failed to uptake the dye and only few
(11.11%) could bind the dye. Results of serotyping revealed a total of 15 different serotypes among the E. coli isolates. More
variation was observed among isolates from raw fish samples (12 serotypes) while RTE fish products harboured only 5
different serotypes. Molecular characterization of E. coli isolates revealed that PCR screening of isolates revealed that total 39
(72.22%) samples out of 54 E. coli isolates were positive for stx1 gene and 28 (51.85%) of isolates were positive for stx2 gene.
Sources wise, 36 (66.66%) of isolates from raw fish and 3(5.55%) of isolates from RTE fish products were positive for stx1
while and stx2 gene could be detected in 24(44.44%) isolates from raw fish and 4(7.4%) isolates from RTE fish
products.Interestingly, about 20% (37.03%) isolates were positive for both stx1 and stx2 genes. Among these multivirulent
isolates majority (n=18) belonged to raw fish samples compared to a few (n=2) from RTE fish products.