Day 81 ~ Day 90 Summary
Day 81
MC's pawns leveled up as a result of the battle.
A hob gob became a cleric (reads half-saint/half-holy light lord)
Another became a ghoul.
Another became a dodomeki (a youkai from japanese folklore)
5 hobgob became ogres
6 kobold evolved into footmen, the leader went from footman to samurai.
Equipment was given out.
The slave troops were given a choice, about half decided to leave. MC gave them food, tools and travel expenses for their work. ~50 decided to join since they've no where to go back to.
The newbs
3 lords
5 half-lords
4 draconians/humanoid dragons (draconian troops from DnD/dragonlance (reads as dragonnewt)
6 half-draconians
10 ogres
1 Troll
5 lizardmen
5 Dwarves
1 Dullahan
3 apemen
1 half-vamp
3 redcaps (murderous gnomes)
2 tigermen (tiger version of the khajit from skyrim)
1 centaur
There's going to be a powershift within the army, but he's sending the newbies for training, they rank lower than the gobs.
14 of them weren't happy and they want to be leader instead, so he just took them on.
Knocked out 2 lords, 4 dragonnewts, subspecies thunder dragon newts cause of their abilities (element), Apeman sent MC flying with an ambush, proclaim he's the new boss. That's until MC did the exact move the apeman did. Half-vamp had high vitality, so it took a beating from MC after failing to charm him (cause they are both dudes). MC gave him some of his blood to cure him. Remember that special potion the chief elf gave him (but refused to give to the greedy humans, which started the war)? Remember how MC absorbed that power, yeah, its power was also in his blood. So half-vamp is completely enamoured with MC. Needless to say, Seiji was busy that day (the cleric).
The newcomers wore the slavery cuffs and began at the bottom of the army.
The dwarves were tasked with blacksmithing.
It was more training, and MC decided to start using his synthesis skill. He got the [Gale Lord] ability as a result.
Day 82
He did more synthesis the next day. He start synthesizing his abilities, the former abilities are gone (but still listed) when they are used to make new abilities.
Kichi was tasked with training the newcomers, MC went on an renovation spree with 62 male slaves and his skeleton (no need for a day off like last time). The main thing was the hotspring (you know, the one that Asue found?), he's planning on milking the elves with it (day spa/hotspring inn).
Combined a bunch of skills, now he has:
[Dragonscale Purification]
[Instant Sight]
[Black Ogre Constitution] (this thing is OP as hell, took 4 skills to synthesize)
[Black Ogre's Roar]
[Black Ogre's Evil eye]
[Physical and Magical Damage Reduction]
[Cursed Wounds] (this is kinda a jumbo for me, basically the victim's wound can't be cured for some time while under this curse)
Day 83
2 lords
5 half-lords
4 draconians (dragonnewt)
6 half-draconians
1 Troll
1 Dullahan
1 apemen
1 half-vamp (damphyr)
2 tigermen
were chosen for morning training and to test out his synthesized skills.
He oneshot, without killing, the Troll who has the highest def using the Black Ogre Constitution ability. MC considers the skill over powered and dangerous (personally want to see him use that on Asue in training).
Afternoon was more renovation, and planning a war strategy with the slaves (using them to infiltrate the Stern Belt Kingdom).
Day 84
He was called awake in the nude and (the?) dwarves gave him some weapons as presents that they made in the smithy. Things made with mithril, steel and spirit stones. They are useless for MC, but he was grateful nonetheless. His inability to talk with the dwarves bothers him (he hasn't eaten a dwarf yet).
He went to stroll around in the forest after morning practice. He feels a little melancholy since there's no enemies left for him in the forest as he’s too powerful for anything to risk attacking him. He went to visit the dryad and talked for a bit after doing his errands. This part is pretty vague -it could mean they were just spending time together or they got busy like the first time, not sure what was intended to implied, I think it might have been intentionally done by the author-.
Went back with the gathered materials and he was "busy" that night.
Some of the humans were pregnant and he's wonder who'd give birth first. He was happy.
Day 85
He started building fields to increase food supplies/create self sufficient supplies. He used the stuff he got from the forest, spirit stones and dryad yesterday to boost growth. Did some training, and then started farming. The supply troop, the redhead and MC farmed.
New synthesized skills:
[Solid Dragonscale Armour]
[Strengthened Slashing and Piercing]
[Quick Parallel Thinking]
Day 86
The human slaves were released to start their infiltration, he didn't want to make enemies, but he doesn't know enough about this world so he needs to gather intelligence.
After the send off, the elven chief contacted MC to invite him to a Sending Off the Dead festival (think Obon, but strictly sending off the dead). They brought some stuff to join in the evening, the redhead and the two knights joined at their insistence and were introduced to the elves. They drank some booze and were generally in a good mood. A white ball containing the souls of the dead drifted into the sky as the festival ends and MC gave a prayer.
Day 87
Asue dug out 2 huge spirit stone, it was light and dark respectively. The mine is now depleted since the dungeon is inert now with Ritanna (the carnbuckle) gone, so spirit don't gather anymore. He ate it and got some abilities and he thanks+pray for them (Ritanna and creator).
[Light resist]
[Dark resist]
[Photon skill] (PSO2~~~)
[Gravity skill]
Checked on the renovations after morning practice and then started building a carriage since he promised redhead to he'd travel.
He gathered the original 5 females he rescued (redhead, smithy, alchemist, 2 chef sisters) to let them know he's traveling in 3 days to let them decide if they want to tag along.
Day 88
The hotspring building is done, he just went through the daily stuff, a quiet day.
Day 89
Decided to leave in 5 groups.
Since it's the day before departure, MC invited the elven chief to the hot spring. He asked about it and MC explained how it's fee based usage. The chef sisters did well and the gobs brought out some delicious food, since everyone was enjoying themselves, MC brought out some wine he got earlier. The whole thing ended up being a party with people dancing around a campfire with MC in charge of singing. The newcomers slowly joined in on the fun as well. MC watched the group as he drank with the elven chief, who MC considers as a friend. (Kinda like, booze taste better with friend)
Day 90
Satisfied with the plans he put in place in his absence, MC heads off to the city of Trent.
Day 91 ~ Day 100
Day 91
On the way to Trent, they stopped by a small artisan village named Clute that makes high quality furniture with the wood from the forest. They were guarded by 5 iron golems and made a deal with the orc by giving them female slaves. But the orc recently broke their agreement and started attacking humans while they were out gathering and even raided their village. MC is a mercenary, so he got a contract to escort the villager to harvest and stuff. Turns out the intelligent orcs are gone and the left over orcs are too stupid to plan ahead and ate all their food. They ended up hunting the villagers as a result. MC took care of the problem, got a squad of gob to take over the contracted duty and then went on his way.
Day 92
They went hunting for blade rabbits, turtle snakes and buffalo. Since the carriage is a self moving bone-centipede (made from the black skeletons that MC can summon), it scares the humans. So it was suggested that he get something to lead it so at least give the illusion of being drawn. They killed some buffalo and had a small feast, the horns are worth a pretty penny as well. Learned [Pulverize] and [Numbing/Desensitize] (applies to self) from eating the buffalo meat. MC then tamed a few of them to lead the carriage. They went hunting for some blade rabbits after. Redhead soloed one and ate it raw after decapitating it for her job class (Noire Soldier), the alchemist gasped and blacksmith got a little grossed out. They went turtle snake hunting afterward, using a party of 6. MC, redhead, bi (that girl gob from chapter 3, the one ending up being a half-vamp) and 3 lords (Phantom, Gale and Flame lord) hunted 38 of them. Blacksmith was happy since their shell is worth a lot of money. MC is happy cause the meat is so good with the wine, he also learned [Hide in the shell] and [Rest/Hibernate]. He wanted to eat some harpies as well, but was considerate of the weak stomached Blacksmith and didn't do so. They went on their way to the mountain roads.
Day 93
There were different paths with different difficulties, MC just went with the shortest one. The place is inhabited by boss-class monsters (Red Bears, the same species of the one that took his arm) with the strongest being the massive 4 wing eagle (read Falaise Eagle). The eagles are quick and have venomous talons, to top it a off, one of them is a subspecies that's blessed by the Wind God who's smart enough to lead other eagles. The eagles attacked them from their blind spot, but MC easily dealt with them using his [Sensing] ability to detect them and shot them down with his web spiderman style. He took down 18 birds that way and stripped them for salable parts. He grilled and fried the meat and stuffed himself (hmm.... finger licking good).
He learned [Panic Voice] (think zubat's confuse ray from pokemon I guess?), [Wing Growth], [High-speed flight], [Wind Reading], [Paralyzing Talon] and [Paralyze Resist] from eating the birds.
They followed the road where there's a nest where a bunch of bones (including humans) litter the place. 5 eagles, led by the Windblessed eag
Day 81 ~ Day 90 Summary
Day 81
MC's pawns leveled up as a result of the battle.
A hob gob became a cleric (reads half-saint/half-holy light lord)
Another became a ghoul.
Another became a dodomeki (a youkai from japanese folklore)
5 hobgob became ogres
6 kobold evolved into footmen, the leader went from footman to samurai.
Equipment was given out.
The slave troops were given a choice, about half decided to leave. MC gave them food, tools and travel expenses for their work. ~50 decided to join since they've no where to go back to.
The newbs
3 lords
5 half-lords
4 draconians/humanoid dragons (draconian troops from DnD/dragonlance (reads as dragonnewt)
6 half-draconians
10 ogres
1 Troll
5 lizardmen
5 Dwarves
1 Dullahan
3 apemen
1 half-vamp
3 redcaps (murderous gnomes)
2 tigermen (tiger version of the khajit from skyrim)
1 centaur
There's going to be a powershift within the army, but he's sending the newbies for training, they rank lower than the gobs.
14 of them weren't happy and they want to be leader instead, so he just took them on.
Knocked out 2 lords, 4 dragonnewts, subspecies thunder dragon newts cause of their abilities (element), Apeman sent MC flying with an ambush, proclaim he's the new boss. That's until MC did the exact move the apeman did. Half-vamp had high vitality, so it took a beating from MC after failing to charm him (cause they are both dudes). MC gave him some of his blood to cure him. Remember that special potion the chief elf gave him (but refused to give to the greedy humans, which started the war)? Remember how MC absorbed that power, yeah, its power was also in his blood. So half-vamp is completely enamoured with MC. Needless to say, Seiji was busy that day (the cleric).
The newcomers wore the slavery cuffs and began at the bottom of the army.
The dwarves were tasked with blacksmithing.
It was more training, and MC decided to start using his synthesis skill. He got the [Gale Lord] ability as a result.
Day 82
He did more synthesis the next day. He start synthesizing his abilities, the former abilities are gone (but still listed) when they are used to make new abilities.
Kichi was tasked with training the newcomers, MC went on an renovation spree with 62 male slaves and his skeleton (no need for a day off like last time). The main thing was the hotspring (you know, the one that Asue found?), he's planning on milking the elves with it (day spa/hotspring inn).
Combined a bunch of skills, now he has:
[Dragonscale Purification]
[Instant Sight]
[Black Ogre Constitution] (this thing is OP as hell, took 4 skills to synthesize)
[Black Ogre's Roar]
[Black Ogre's Evil eye]
[Physical and Magical Damage Reduction]
[Cursed Wounds] (this is kinda a jumbo for me, basically the victim's wound can't be cured for some time while under this curse)
Day 83
2 lords
5 half-lords
4 draconians (dragonnewt)
6 half-draconians
1 Troll
1 Dullahan
1 apemen
1 half-vamp (damphyr)
2 tigermen
were chosen for morning training and to test out his synthesized skills.
He oneshot, without killing, the Troll who has the highest def using the Black Ogre Constitution ability. MC considers the skill over powered and dangerous (personally want to see him use that on Asue in training).
Afternoon was more renovation, and planning a war strategy with the slaves (using them to infiltrate the Stern Belt Kingdom).
Day 84
He was called awake in the nude and (the?) dwarves gave him some weapons as presents that they made in the smithy. Things made with mithril, steel and spirit stones. They are useless for MC, but he was grateful nonetheless. His inability to talk with the dwarves bothers him (he hasn't eaten a dwarf yet).
He went to stroll around in the forest after morning practice. He feels a little melancholy since there's no enemies left for him in the forest as he’s too powerful for anything to risk attacking him. He went to visit the dryad and talked for a bit after doing his errands. This part is pretty vague -it could mean they were just spending time together or they got busy like the first time, not sure what was intended to implied, I think it might have been intentionally done by the author-.
Went back with the gathered materials and he was "busy" that night.
Some of the humans were pregnant and he's wonder who'd give birth first. He was happy.
Day 85
He started building fields to increase food supplies/create self sufficient supplies. He used the stuff he got from the forest, spirit stones and dryad yesterday to boost growth. Did some training, and then started farming. The supply troop, the redhead and MC farmed.
New synthesized skills:
[Solid Dragonscale Armour]
[Strengthened Slashing and Piercing]
[Quick Parallel Thinking]
Day 86
The human slaves were released to start their infiltration, he didn't want to make enemies, but he doesn't know enough about this world so he needs to gather intelligence.
After the send off, the elven chief contacted MC to invite him to a Sending Off the Dead festival (think Obon, but strictly sending off the dead). They brought some stuff to join in the evening, the redhead and the two knights joined at their insistence and were introduced to the elves. They drank some booze and were generally in a good mood. A white ball containing the souls of the dead drifted into the sky as the festival ends and MC gave a prayer.
Day 87
Asue dug out 2 huge spirit stone, it was light and dark respectively. The mine is now depleted since the dungeon is inert now with Ritanna (the carnbuckle) gone, so spirit don't gather anymore. He ate it and got some abilities and he thanks+pray for them (Ritanna and creator).
[Light resist]
[Dark resist]
[Photon skill] (PSO2~~~)
[Gravity skill]
Checked on the renovations after morning practice and then started building a carriage since he promised redhead to he'd travel.
He gathered the original 5 females he rescued (redhead, smithy, alchemist, 2 chef sisters) to let them know he's traveling in 3 days to let them decide if they want to tag along.
Day 88
The hotspring building is done, he just went through the daily stuff, a quiet day.
Day 89
Decided to leave in 5 groups.
Since it's the day before departure, MC invited the elven chief to the hot spring. He asked about it and MC explained how it's fee based usage. The chef sisters did well and the gobs brought out some delicious food, since everyone was enjoying themselves, MC brought out some wine he got earlier. The whole thing ended up being a party with people dancing around a campfire with MC in charge of singing. The newcomers slowly joined in on the fun as well. MC watched the group as he drank with the elven chief, who MC considers as a friend. (Kinda like, booze taste better with friend)
Day 90
Satisfied with the plans he put in place in his absence, MC heads off to the city of Trent.
Day 91 ~ Day 100
Day 91
On the way to Trent, they stopped by a small artisan village named Clute that makes high quality furniture with the wood from the forest. They were guarded by 5 iron golems and made a deal with the orc by giving them female slaves. But the orc recently broke their agreement and started attacking humans while they were out gathering and even raided their village. MC is a mercenary, so he got a contract to escort the villager to harvest and stuff. Turns out the intelligent orcs are gone and the left over orcs are too stupid to plan ahead and ate all their food. They ended up hunting the villagers as a result. MC took care of the problem, got a squad of gob to take over the contracted duty and then went on his way.
Day 92
They went hunting for blade rabbits, turtle snakes and buffalo. Since the carriage is a self moving bone-centipede (made from the black skeletons that MC can summon), it scares the humans. So it was suggested that he get something to lead it so at least give the illusion of being drawn. They killed some buffalo and had a small feast, the horns are worth a pretty penny as well. Learned [Pulverize] and [Numbing/Desensitize] (applies to self) from eating the buffalo meat. MC then tamed a few of them to lead the carriage. They went hunting for some blade rabbits after. Redhead soloed one and ate it raw after decapitating it for her job class (Noire Soldier), the alchemist gasped and blacksmith got a little grossed out. They went turtle snake hunting afterward, using a party of 6. MC, redhead, bi (that girl gob from chapter 3, the one ending up being a half-vamp) and 3 lords (Phantom, Gale and Flame lord) hunted 38 of them. Blacksmith was happy since their shell is worth a lot of money. MC is happy cause the meat is so good with the wine, he also learned [Hide in the shell] and [Rest/Hibernate]. He wanted to eat some harpies as well, but was considerate of the weak stomached Blacksmith and didn't do so. They went on their way to the mountain roads.
Day 93
There were different paths with different difficulties, MC just went with the shortest one. The place is inhabited by boss-class monsters (Red Bears, the same species of the one that took his arm) with the strongest being the massive 4 wing eagle (read Falaise Eagle). The eagles are quick and have venomous talons, to top it a off, one of them is a subspecies that's blessed by the Wind God who's smart enough to lead other eagles. The eagles attacked them from their blind spot, but MC easily dealt with them using his [Sensing] ability to detect them and shot them down with his web spiderman style. He took down 18 birds that way and stripped them for salable parts. He grilled and fried the meat and stuffed himself (hmm.... finger licking good).
He learned [Panic Voice] (think zubat's confuse ray from pokemon I guess?), [Wing Growth], [High-speed flight], [Wind Reading], [Paralyzing Talon] and [Paralyze Resist] from eating the birds.
They followed the road where there's a nest where a bunch of bones (including humans) litter the place. 5 eagles, led by the Windblessed eag
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