Thank you for writing are you doing today??..I really enjoy reading your mail. thanks a lot.
I seriously don’t think you have a clue but there’s something in the world I would like to have and you’re the only one, who can give it to me and that is your "love".
I just want you to know am always happy writing to you and i love reading your mails.I've never been so certain of anything.You are a blessing that my entire being is very thankful for.I feel that we were made to meet this way and lets see what God as in store for us.Well, time has passed and I have discovered new things and a new me.You have truly changed me. Still, in a way,I'm scared 'cause I am actually growing a true feeling inside my heart ,which I just cant explain, but I know it's there waiting for you to come and uncover it.I truly don't know what your feelings are but I don't want to force you in telling me what you don't feel towards me.I would want to receive love and trust from you when you truly mean it.I just hope you feel the same way.
I'm looking for a real woman, not a superwoman, but my own, my ideal and the only one. She must be a warm and tender person, loving to touch and feel, not afraid to show her affections.I think you have those qualities and i am sure we will have a wonderful life together.I do hope you understand all am trying to say.Hope to hear from you soon
Hugs and Kisses