Materials and Methods
The aim of this study was to use the QTI to identify and describe the better biology teachers. These better teachers were identified through very favourable scores on particular scales of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI). Associations between students’ perceptions and their attitude toward biology classroom learning environments were determined with students.
Research Purposes
1. To analyze a valid and reliable the actual and preferred forms of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction instrument when used in this study.
2. To investigate the factors influencing student’s perceptions of their teacher interpersonal behaviours in biology classroom learning environments in Sarakhampittayakhom School classes.
3. To compare between students’ perceptions of their actual and preferred teacher interpersonal behaviours in biology classroom learning environments in Sarakhampittayakhom School classes.
4. To associate between students’ perceptions of their science attitudes to their actual teacher interpersonal behavious toward biology classroom learning environments in Sarakham Pittayakhom School classes.