Btw I honestly disagree with them waiting much longer. I know 2ne1 had Bom and Dara and I know Winner had pretty much all of them, but I want Pink Punk to be teens when they debut so they can be that young girl group. I don't want them being like 21-25 when they debut.
Plus they were suppose to debut since 2012, I can deal with them debuting in the first half of 2016, but any longer is beyond idiotic.
And finally, with Twice debuting soon I feel like they and these girls will be rivals and friends towards each other (plus I want Lalice vs Momo dance battle asap).
I am sorry, but I am not feeling YG stans agreeing with YGs procrastination. He takes to long to do stuff and doesn't manage and promote groups/soloist as good as he should. Its bad how YG has only had 2 acts come out this whole year when not only were Pink Punk suppose to debut this year, but Ikon were as well and Lee Hi, Akmu, ect were suppose to be having comebacks. I'm not saying YG has to promote their groups like SM or something, but YG should be promoting more often then how it is now.