Why Do You Need to Know This Material? The existence of compounds, and
therefore knowing how bonds form between atoms, is central to chemistry. Research
into artificial blood, new pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, and the polymers used
in materials such as compact discs, cell phones, and synthetic fibers is based on an
understanding of how atoms link together.
What Are the Key Ideas? Bond formation is accompanied by a lowering of energy
due to the attractions between oppositely charged ions or between nuclei and shared
electron pairs. The electron configurations of individual atoms control how the atoms
combine with one another.
What Do You Need to Know Already? This chapter assumes that you know about
atomic structure and electron configurations (Chapters 1 and 2), the basic features of
energy, and the nature of the Coulomb interaction between charges (Fundamentals,
Section A). It is also helpful to be familiar with the various types of compounds and their
nomenclature (Fundamentals, Sections C and D) and oxidation numbers (Fundamentals,
Section K).
Why Do You Need to Know This Material? The existence of compounds, andtherefore knowing how bonds form between atoms, is central to chemistry. Researchinto artificial blood, new pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, and the polymers usedin materials such as compact discs, cell phones, and synthetic fibers is based on anunderstanding of how atoms link together.What Are the Key Ideas? Bond formation is accompanied by a lowering of energydue to the attractions between oppositely charged ions or between nuclei and sharedelectron pairs. The electron configurations of individual atoms control how the atomscombine with one another.What Do You Need to Know Already? This chapter assumes that you know aboutatomic structure and electron configurations (Chapters 1 and 2), the basic features ofenergy, and the nature of the Coulomb interaction between charges (Fundamentals,Section A). It is also helpful to be familiar with the various types of compounds and theirnomenclature (Fundamentals, Sections C and D) and oxidation numbers (Fundamentals,Section K).
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