-Because of the deployment campaign during Covid. Therefore, the budget portion has not been used in an optimal manner (the budget is still over 152,642,212 đ)<br>Almost the push budget for each day of formats is quite low compared to previous campaigns. -> Therefore, the number of converted currency is also limited. However, the campaign almost still gets pretty good results compared to the implementation budget.<br>The date budget for Facebook's formats is relatively lower than in previous campaigns. So, the two main Facebook ads formats implemented are Facebook Conversion and Facebook Lead ads. The Facebook Traffic format is temporarily stopped to make the budget for two formats with better conversions.<br>-The campaign of Google Ads and Facebook Ads has been tagged UTM for tracking ad sources. (However, for Lead ads format, the registration Form is mainly registered as a user directly on the Facebook-> ad post, so it only tracks the number of clickable links in content or when the customer clicks "Learn More" after completing the registration Form-> The number of tracking conversions will be spread.
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